Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: iiEco The offender's exact ingame name: Lmafoing Description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Lmafoing joined survival asking for girls to add his discord or snap to talk and after my friend and I decided I would jokingly add his discord, he told me he was 16 and I jokingly said I was twelve as my friend and I thought it would be funny. I asked him how his day was and he told me that it was good and then asked if he was looking for a girlfriend to which he told me he was. He then said "uhh, but your 12" and then continued the conversation in the survival chat. Soon after, he began using racial slurs and evading the filter as well as calling people "little btch" when they told Sheshy what he did. He was banned from survival for a day. After this, I went to play kitpvp and when he joined I proceeded to call him out on his racism, homophobia and the fact he continued talking to me (for a brief period) under the impression I was 12. He then continued to use slurs against me, even telling me that "it isn't racist with a soft R, only with a hard R". He used the N-word as well as numerous other slurs including the f-slur tens of times throughout the conversation. I took a video while on kitpvp and will send the full video as well as screenshots of him saying the slurs as well as our discord conversation. I recommend he be banned permanently as he is a threat to the emotional safety of the community, especially people who genuinely might be offended by his actions. As well as this I believe he might have slight pedofilic tendencies solely due to the fact that he is desperate enough to add people through a (primarily) children and minor's videogame and continue (briefly) talking to me under the impression I was twelve. I know I haven't been the perfect player but I genuinely love this community and have been doing my best to improve. I hope you genuinely consider my advice and ban him globally, however to clarify this happened on kitpvp. Thank you Evidence/full screenshots: I would like to apologize to the mod who has to go through all that. Good luck.
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