Hi, I'm Zuofa or Scrulish recently I have trying to report as many players as possible and be active a lot. I bought a Minecraft account over discord and started to play on it. I needed somewhere to store my p4 on kitpvp2 so I dumped loads of it. Including Super Gapple, Rare Items such as Gold Ingots and a Glass Pane my friend kindly gave to me. I logged on today to try and record some hackers but when I noticed that I could not log onto my alt Scrulish I was worried a bit. So I went to the Mojang website and It said that it had been compromised because I'm not the original owner. I was upset because I had a lot of rares on KitPvP2 and OpPvP. So if you see this the owner of Scrulish now please give my stuff back. I'm very sad and I have had that for a long time. If you want to do be really really really nice and give my stuff back private message me and I'll give you my discord. -Zuofa