So recently i've seen many pepole saying the '' N '' word. I dont wanna say it here, because pepole get offended. But I love every kind of pepole, nothing agenst anyone. But my question is: Can you say the '' N '' word without getting muted or banned ? I guess there is some kind of mute perhaps, if not. Make it mutebal if thats even a word. But if you can get muted for saying that is it forever mute or like for 2-3 days. ( Or h ) Gratefull if response!
Yes you can be muted. The length of time however depends on the severity and the judgement of the moderator applying the disciplinany measure. I've never heard of a 3 day mute on MV, but I've seen players muted for up to 2 hours before or tempbanned for foul language.
Sooooo if the person says more bad stuff and i screenshot it, they can be temp banned eyy... Well thanks for resopnse :D
Well when I'm online and someone says that I kicked them, if they do it again I mute them for 1 hour then if they won't stop I perm mute them
I understand how the command works. I don't agree with your punishment. "" is worthy of a warn or kick. Not a ban or mute unless the warning is not heeded. The other "Nigg*r" is foul enough to warrant a mute, tempban, or ban and never in my history of moderating have I heard of a mod perm muting on MV. Is @ScoFu13 aware that you do this?
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You need to read again @sco I never said I /muted a player for it. I said it as an example, next time read it carefully
My alt breaks no written rules. In fact, Cyp is well aware of my alt and has never had one issue with the name.
I find it very optimistic when someone asumes that 'n****' is a bad word. Sure it can be used to offend people, but that is not always the case. "Stfu little n***** " That is offensive. "Hey n***** what's good" Is normal to some. I'm not racist, The only race I don't like is the one I have to run after a party.
********************* ******************* ********************* ********************* ********************* ******************* ********************* ******************* ********************* ******************* ********************* ********************* ********************* ******************* ********************* ******************* ********************* ********************* You used it as an example therefore with full intent if the action occurred. Maybe you should break down how we do things rather than be rude and publicly announce your lack of knowledge of how things should be done.