Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Creed, Feb 6, 2015.
ur not on atm
I still think ur around 7/10 to 5/10
whats a ping Im pretty sure EggJ is 2x beter than _MEGA_COOKIE_ even though _MEGA_COOKIE_ hacks
Wanna see if u are 9/10? 1v1 me. I usually tp to eggj because im bored :P
Omg lol ur not on opfacs atm
im 11/10 m89
I'm probably in 6 or 7
…Well there's your problem right there XD
This should be like a game like rate the person above you using the PvP chart
I'm about a 0.3/10
some1 rate me.
Whats ur ign, if ive seen u pvp before then id probably say its 5-8 :P
XD lol ive seen that before
Rate me. Ign : FuseMC
Idk 8/10 9/10. Rate me alex8oli, SuperNerdPvP
SuperNerd quit
M8 i ain't a noob and you're a 5 year old
im 8/10 xthekreeperx1 your 2/10 to prove im right 1v1 me when pvp bugs have been patched.