Hello, this thread's purpose is to display the top ten people who have received the most recorded punishments. What I mean by this is the ten people who have received the most bans/mutes/warnings etc on forums ONLY. You can ask a moderator for your ban/mute/warning history on these forums and they should give it to you. We will count the amount of punishments you have received by the number of punishment lines, since I am opening the thread, I shall put my name first and the board will be updated as better scores come in. 1 - @Sepsis - 11 lines - https://gyazo.com/701a2c1d4f4b7de897b235f327365e81 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - Moderators please don't close this because it'll be fun.
I'm not sure if you've posted in the wrong thread, but there is nothing to support or no support here. It is simply a thread such as the infection leaderboard created by Scorvix.