Hi. XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS speaking. This is the application for the ProSquadRC faction. To join ProSquadRC, you need to fill out the form. 1. Your IGN (Ingame name) 2. Why you want to join 3. Do you have swag? (yes/no) 4. Are you a pro? if so, on which gamemode? (e.g. kitpvp, infection) 5. Do you greif? (Yes/no) 6. Are you a donator? (Donators only questions 6-9) 7. DO you abuse /heal? (elite-titan) 8. Have you ever been in a Donators-only faction? Give the faction name. 9. Have you ever been in a NonDonators-only faction? give the faction name. proskillz67, the leader of the faction, will decide. I will judge the application. Please post in here to join ProSquadRC. Yours Truly, NitroNinjaNaruto (My nickname)