i had over 300... My GeForce GTX 780 is powerful... Anyways, he was hacking! He clearly hit my towards him without even looked directly at me!
Minecraft is CPU reliant... The only thing a graphics card would be useful for in Minecraft is using Shaders... .-.
Gpu still does matter xD I have an over clocked 4.2 GHZ i7 and the performance doesn't make a difference unless if I turbo mode my GPU
You guys make it sound like it's a big deal. If mods were informed about this, it would be obvious when this is being used and when it is not. I informed a mod about this originally and they told Cypriot. It's nice of you guys to do it though. I'm suprised the person isn't banned for it. Is it because they are possibly ex staff or?
There was a false report made on the mod. That report was not made by Thorr. The video was a troll. Never meant to get anyone in trouble. That is why he is not banned. It's also Cyp's server, so he makes the calls. He doesn't have to follow rules.
I know, what I'm wondering is why did he record and then post it on YouTube? I don't care if Cyp didn't ban him, but that doesn't mean I can't state my own opinion.
Ex staff lol. When cypriot demote someone its because they did something wrong so i dont see how he could like the "ex staff"
*co-owner. My bad :P He makes decions where players/stsff are concerned more so than Crew. That was what I was meaning.