This hacked client is new for 1.8 and over the top for options. It has all the normal mods a hacked client offers as well as a new mod called "fake hacker". This mod was just used against a staff member to make him appear as tho he was hacking when in fact he was just afk a few seconds. I was going to download the client to show you all the truth, but @ChloyyBear offered to download it for me. I have never downloaded hacks and was worried I wouldn't be able to get rid of it when I was done. :/ So thank you Chloyy!!! :>:PP I was recording at the same time as him, unfortunately my audio didn't record. With the two videos you will be able to see I was clearly not hacking and in fact it was the "fake hacker" from this client making me appear to have kill aura. Guys this client is already being used by players on this server to get players banned and now possibly staff too.. This is the video of Chloyy making me look like I am using kill aura: This is my recording of the same thing:
Its all good, cyp cleared his charges after we discussed, and everyone still loves eachother :> (mcsg is lyfe)
This is great Pile. I am glad you got this out to this server. My question is how will you know if someone is actually hacking or the reported just used this?
I handled the report that was made against xxxvan and he was not punished if anyone is wondering. Do you know who recorded the video and tried to get him demoted?
Thank you for letting me know. I saw a video of someone doing the same exact thing in a report and I was so surprised that one of my friends "hacked". I met them in game and confronted me, but didn't understand their explanation.