... Guys, just stop with the flaming and swearing and rate abuse. All of this is doing absolutely nothing to help your chances. An application is created to show you are interested in the job. When you make an app you are open to and constructive criticism from anyone and you are expected to handle it maturely and nicely. The way this criticism has been dealt with is saying anything but you would make a great staff member. No support.
You are flaming and rate abusing ;____; Every time someone posts a negative comment or just constructive criticism you rate it dumb. I bet you, that you will rate this dumb too.
I have changed my mind. I DO NOT Support you anymore. This is due to you causing conflicts with a close friend of mine. Enough said. Please, do not try to start or involve me in these. Thank you! <3
im sorry I have caused you to change your mind I hope one day I can earn your support back and thanks for your input <3
I'm sorry, I can't support. If you got mod you would spurr up too much contreversy. Also, guys, quit all the fighting in this thread. Like many said before me, this is a mod app not a war zone. Thanks ~Ryan <3
lordninja give me a reason is it because you rate abused and will a mod do something about him using an alt profile on something besides getting unbanned