I am unable to connect to the prison server right now. I have also had a number of others contact me to say the same thing. I'm getting the "Could not connect to default server, please try again later: java.net.ConnectException" error.
Did I hear the word "Minor"? It was major lag lol.. The server has been have lag for 3 days straight now it's mostly off and on.
Well exaggeration is sometimes needed , But if you were on the server more often you would understand why I did exaggerate .
The Prison server was putting a lot of stress on the other servers as some of the plugins are very intensive for the machines. I'm not sure when and if it will be coming back, but be aware this is a problem for everyone, you aren't banned or anything.
Well then why not get better servers so you can run the server. Personally I love the prison server and the only one I mostly play on Mineverse and if it stays down well you lost a player and you also lost many others so I hope you are aware of that and hope the server comes back in due time. But maybe let Mineverse prison have it's own very server so it takes off the hard times on the others.
Mineverse runs on industrial grade high end servers, it's just some plugins aren't well coded, and the way prisons work, they are intensive. There's not much you can do about. You can't just get better servers. Hardware is expensive and time consuming to setup. If something as little as this is gonna make you quit the server, that's your loss.
No it's not my loss it's your loss if anything as I am a player that eventually donate correct? And if I donate that makes Mineverse money and money does what? It helps pay for the servers and profits. So it's not really my loss it's more of your loss if anything :P. Now "Industrial grade high end servers" I doubt that as the servers don't even got good DDoS protection so this "High end industrial" Sounds like BS if you ask me but if you say so fine ok. If there is some plugins that aren't that well coded well what do you do? You make them better, You get someone else to code them better, or you go up and find another plugin to keep this server up you can't just blame a plugin for the server going down. I seen other prison servers up but to be honest this is the "Only" Prison server I play on as it's the first one I played on and I have played on others and the only one I Enjoy the most is this one. The Prison server has had over 150k people on it. That is Amazing would you say yourself? Do you know how much potential that is? That's a lot. If Admins came on finished all the Cells, Plots so they can be for sale then you got a bigger ball game you got more people living more shops more people expanding on Prison and not asking "Where can I buy a cell or a plot" you get them asking other questions and make sure Issues are dealt with. Maybe after that's done you delete the end and the Super flat land in the world of prison as it's not needed no one needs it. It's illegal to build in the Super flat so players do not need it and the end isn't needed as you do not need to fight the enderdragon so that can be taken it out and hopefully reduce most of the lag that happens on the server. Also you could also add items you can buy in the Game with real money or different features and such to buy. I look every once in awhile seeing if maybe there will be a item for sale in the Mineverse shop for prison and there isn't one and there should be at least a few so it can put money in your pockets. So I guess what I am trying to say is I see a lot of opportunity's that you guys as the Mineverse team can do but if you don't take the risk and go all in you will never find out if it worked out or not.
You don't seem to understand how much time and money it takes to own a server (of this size). You can't just simply get a new one coded. They can be thousands of dollars. Really good DDoS protection? that can be upwards of 2 grand a month. Things don't just happen magically. It's not done by a team of elves. I'm glad you love the prison server, that's great, but it's not as easy as you seem to think it is to make and maintain. Anyway, this topic has gone off topic and will be ended here.