Hi. This suggestion is self-explanatory, it is in the title. Reset /prison. I cannot express how much the Prison community and I want a reset. It is definitely time for a Prison revamp in the midst of all the problems and glitches prison has to offer. ***For the administrative team: If you had also considered resetting Prison, please use this suggestion as a guide to the problems which are seen as 'major' from the ground. Thank you! Carrying on, Why should Prison be reset? 1. The gamemode is inflated and glitched. Titans get Protection 4 armor every day! These sets would go for 10,000 a day in 2014. Now, they are given out for free and almost every veteran(not the rank) has at least a dub of these. Obsidian prices are majorly inflated. A stack of these now cost <5,000. It used to sell for 500 a stack, which, of course, can be obtained from a Titan kit. Barriers are obtainable in Prison from illegal trading. There are command blocks in Flatlands. The mining glitch, whereby you get free mining McMMO levels from glitching is still in place. Pigmen cannot be cleared by ClearLag, which should be so. Super Golden Apples are inflated as well. 2. Both cell prices(and some plots) are extreme. Seriously. 33,000 or 38,000 for a cell? That is almost as much as a D-C prisoner rankup. Even worse, most cells are much more smaller than your average plot. The prices are way too high. There is also a mega-plot which only costs 7,000 for 12 days. Giant plots half that size cost 33,000 for 3 days. 3. It is way too easy to get money. Players can afk all day for vote party rewards. Everyone knows this. In 1 day you'll probably get at least 5 crate keys, with 3 alternates that's 15 keys. In 4 days you'll have a stack worth 250,000+. Not to mention you also get money from vote parties. 50,000? Really? A good measure against this: An auto-kicker such as the one on OpFactions. 4. Vote party is contradictory. Absolutely ridiculous that you can receive a 'Diamond Sword' as a vote party reward. Contradicts the rule that is put into place. 5. Player McMMO statistics are extreme. There is a player with 30,000 McMMO, simply because he afks' all day with countless alternates. After he is done 'afk'ing, he'll proceed to kill the pigmen. McMMO should be CAPPED at a certain level, for example Unarmed and Mining should be capped at 1,000. PvP skills should get a cap as well. 6. Prison is way too pay2win. Like I said above, Protection 4 is too easily obtainable. Gods and Titans get a maxed-out pickaxe and axe every day. Donors get up to 7 plots(Titans). A regular player gets a miserable 2. It should be balanced out. 7. CAPS are not filtered. Self-explanatory. 8. Guard armor is also inflated. Guards get 1 set of overpowered armor every day. Now, guards store up guard armor only to have dubs of them left when they resign. To sell. It should be at least once every 3 days. Would work better if it were for a week, though. 9. Shop has to be revamped and upgraded. Truthfully, the /warp shop we have now is crap. Shop should be revamped when Prison resets, with fresh new sell-shops and better items to sell and buy. 10. Most prison ranks have no perks. After becoming a Citizen, you get no perks to the rank except for a Prefix. This should be fixed. A /warp citizen + /warp veteran ... should be added. It makes the players work for something after free-man. Similarly to OPPrison. 11. PvP zones. The PvP zones that we have are badly-placed. They are right in the middle of the D-block, making the link from spawn to the mines inaccessible with the diamond campers there. /warp dmine is useful yes, but for the players who don't know it's a disadvantage to them. -> Gets Killed -> Leaves MV. How would you feel joining Prison for the first time on a server, only to get killed trying to play the game? A good thing to add would be a pvpzone away from the Mines. 12. TOO MANY GLITCHES! The 'WorldGuard' went down causing massive complications for the server. It is probably God trying to tell us to reset Prison. Another point: You can claim the Prison world. Flatlands have PvP disabled and players can reach <1,000,000 blocks out, causing unraidable bases to be made. Some workbenches and enderchests at /warp shop are glitched and have been for a long time. /f is now usable in the Prison World, and non-freemen can have factions. You can place TnT in plots. Of course, there is probably much more reasons why Prison should be reset. I have listed a dozen of the main ones. Feel free to list down more suggestions and I'll edit them in with credits to you. Suggestion Edits: -Diamonds are made useless thanks to insane vote party rewards. @Poseidon -Furnaces at warp shop don't work. When a new player joins a server they usually mine to get money and without the furnace rooms they cannot even sell anything they mined because in the shop you cannot sell ores, only smelted items. In this way players are lost. @tin15cro Thank you for reading this, please take this into careful consideration for the good of the Prison community and Mineverse in general.
Once again, thank you for reading the thread. Thanks to @DoctorDistructo @jackflexy123 and @Leggomaster1 for helping me out. You are encouraged to leave 're-supports' so as to keep the thread alive. Please use the support rating. It is a fast and convenient way for an Administrator to know how much a suggestion is needed just by looking at the ratings. This suggestion will be closed only when Prison has been reset.
Dude this is the most detailed suggestion out of all. If they don't listen to this then we are doomed.
You have my full support, if Prison wasn't P2W and you'd have to work for what you get I'd definitely play it. Also, I've always wanted to get into prison but it sort of seems too late as the servers been out for what? 2-3 years? If it was reset I believe myself and others would definitely be willing to try it.
Oh, come on. Can we please have a global reset, INCLUDING PRISON of course :D I can support 100 times.
Support. It'd be gas seeing everyone as noobs. Also, you should mention that diamonds are worthless because of the vote party rewards.
@SSMH I think they should make the flatlands unclaimable but only for use of grinding excavation. I also think they should make a guide so newcomers can read to understand the concepts of prison. OTHER THAN THAT SUPPORT