For the love of anything good, please turn off the message all feature. This is so abused its not even funny. I cannot have a /msg with someone without constantly missing the messages because of everyone spamming the message all. Its not a bad feature, its just very abused. I know I am not the only one this bothers.
Yes please get this removed.. They also msg about inappropriate things.. Support get this removed now.
Support, this command is extremely annoying while trying to watch chat and is abused by a lot of the prison community and for advertisers and other rule breakers.
I think a better idea would be to limit the use of this. Maybe to once or twice an hour or something along those lines.
I support this suggestion, it is extremely annoying. Especially the /msg ** <username>. Thanks, Turtalized.
Tonight has really irritated the crap out of me. Ive asked them over and over to please stop. Yet they continued on, so I told them they would be appearing in my thread to add fuel to this suggestion. If they get in trouble for it, so be it. This has got to stop. So here are the ones spamming at this current moment: