I have just started playing prisons on this server and I am new to prison in general. Can someone please just give me a walkthrough of what to do. Also when i bought this plot there were already shops in it and i want to get rid of them but i don't know how!
Basically the point of prison is to get free, which you do by paying in shop. You can earn money selling things, voting, and trading. There's a mine and wood mine in D-Block where you can get supplies.
1) You go down the corresponding hallway to your rank (D, C, B, A), you go down the D-prisoner hallway, the left is the stone/iron/coal mine, the right is the birch woodfarm 2) When you have enough supplies, /warp shop, you will be able to smelt, enchant, sell, craft, etc. 3) /rankup to see how much it is for the next rank, for the prices, it's D -> C= $50, 000(50. 00) C -> B= $100, 000(100. 00) B -> A= $200, 000(200. 00) 4) When you rank up past A, it's to Free, /warp free 5) There are prestige ranks after Free for fun, just go back to the A mine to sell and /rankup for prestige ranks after Free
No i need to know the more complicated, like adding people to a plot or getting rid of old shops to be specific.
/srm help I believe its /srm addMember <playername> <plot#> And to remove chest signs, you need a Head-Guard, which is ScoFu13
Go ./spawn then you will see some sign's with D mine , C mine , B mine and A mine. D mine is the lowest rank you start on. If you going to the sign D mine and a bit in you may see a red line. If you go over that red line there is pvp zone. If you run pass it there is 2 side with diffrent mine's. 1 with stone coal and some iron, on the another side there is wood. Sale that at ./warp shop. When you get money to rankup for c Prisoner do ./warp rankup. You be a c prisoner and can go to a new better mine with better prize to sale. You have still acces to D mine. I think most player's are going for the free rank. 750k You can do ./warp free and are free from Prison. It is like a faction world, you can create faction's add member's and much more. C rank cost 50.000 (50k) B rank cost 100.000 [100k] A rank cost 200.000 (200k) The free rank 750.000 {750k} Afther that it is some rank's like citzen but they are most for fun if you're asking me. To get plot information use ./srm help. Add member ./srm addMember (plot number) Same with remove a nember. ,/srm remMember (plot number) Only the head Mod can break chest on plot's and are ScoFu13. I hope I helped - Van Ask for more information if you need.