How can you sell enchanted books out of a chest on your plot in prison? Ive noticed some others have certain ID# on their chests. Also, can you sell items already enchanted? For example, a pick axe that is already enchanted. I have them in my chests but when all the regular ones get sold, I get messages saying Im sold out. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Yes you need to hold the item in your hand and do /item info. That will give you it's id, on the bottom line of your chest shop sign, you put that id. Caps and symbols are important. You will have to make a sign next to it explaining what is on it so ppl will know as the chest shop sign won't specifically say. Be sure to put exactly what it is so you don't scam anyone and get banned. Hope that helped
Do you have to be a free person to be able to do that? It says that I don't have access to that command whenever I try to do it. Im just a a B prisoner right now.