IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender(s): oliver_siciric & Battle_Bear_24 Rule(s) Broken: Auc scamming 192 Expbottles for 20k Evidence: http://gyazo.com/70464b044caf03d6f5dd74afa08e5719 http://gyazo.com/67dfc915b14c161f7092211d7363bacf
I am not part of this thread but, this is scamming because they're friends and they bid last second a large amount because everyone bids at last seconds which means he will /bid 20k then someone might /bid accidentally this is a rule
You havn't had much experience with reports. Like Creeper said when someone bids a high price on the last second on a lower priced item so they get money and profit. This is auction scamming. You don't buy 192 Exp bottles for 20k.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.