When i want get an Pet - Squid Pet at premium. it not works, but i have premium rank. It says echopet.pet.type.squid permission needed to do that. but it already say it premium but not works what's the problem. please please help me and reply any time u want! i will waiting for you reply all time. thank you!!!!
In-game please do /pet list and it shows you the pets you're available to use. If you've already done that and it says you can use the Squid but you can not. I'd recommend just upgrading because they may have changed what ranks have each pet. I had Premium and don't remember having the squid. If you've done all of this the last thing to do is maybe your rank is glitched and not working you may email Mineverse Support @ [email protected] give them a transaction id, ign, pet name. I hope I helped! ;)