Now this is regarding to those people who are saying prayers are bad, and people who are praying. Prayers are good, ok? It is a way of talking to God and seeking help. But people misunderstand prayer. You don't pray for helping the poor, you pray to give them strength, or hope. Plus, most people who are saying #PrayForParis are just going on the bandwagon and are saying it just to be cool. I'm not that person, because when I said #PrayForParis, I did actually pray that the victims of the attacks get the hope and strength to keep on going and move on from this tragedy, and that the witnesses will also move on from this and be lucky that they weren't in the attacks. Every year, my mum and I go to Salvo's and donate some of our clothes and we donate money to them as well. We don't just pray to help everyone, we actually take a part in helping. I'm going to sum this up- With prayer, comes ACTION.
I wouldn't say I disrespect your religion, I myself am Agnostic, simply as I want proof before I believe anything. I understand that there could be a God and I respect that. Although, I really don't think praying does anything. But then again, if you believe so then that's fine by me.
We all have our opinions and our decisions we can do and make, if its the right one, that's not always certain as it can always occur in a different way. But we are who we are, we cannot change who we are, but we can change what we can become.