Pray for paris, but pray also for everything else that is happening in the world. People with no food, no home, no life. People who lost there family in a war. People who had to flee from a war or famine. There's so much trouble in the world, global warming, deforestation, corrupted politics, its everywhere but the media covers most of it when it's not in your own country. millions of people die of hunger, disease, no fresh water, slavery in the eastern worlds. We should pray everyday for them aswell. Give a man food and he can live for a day, learn the man to grow food and fish. and he can feed a family for eternity. Somethimes donating money and food isn't always the best option. Give them education, teach them how to do the things themselves. If we all learn that money, land, being famous or feared is not important and that nobody is better than anyone else as we are all human and born on the same planet, if religion doesn't matter anymore and we are all the same. Then we can say that the world would because a better place where we can all live together in peace. Kind Regards Wardogs411
Thank you. Someone else that understands how Paris is not the only problem. Over 50,000 veterans are homeless, yet we do nothing. Syrian refugees are looking for shelter, so we help them. Why not the 50,000+ homeless veterans?
Prayers do not feed the hungry. Prayers won't solve global warming. In fact praying won't help much in regards to the current state of anything. Why must we keep making threads about praying instead of taking action and actually helping? Want to help stop hunger? Want to help the homless? Want to help save the environment? People need actual help. Not prayers. Feel free to pray in your church.
Yeah I mean I don't wanna be that guy but how will praying help? You have to take the matter into your own hands :-]
I know that pile but how can a normal human help ? If the state takes all our cash we cannot help anyone else.
Volunteer in your local food bank or homeless shelter. Get involved with local activist groups and rally's. This is a photo from Isaiah and I's first human rights rally. He was 8 years old. We marched the streets 2,000 hands strong. (this was a free event anyone could attend) The man next to my son is a human rights activist here locally. He camped out with the homeless for more than 2 weeks. This is a photo of a homeless man outside of Safeco field in Seattle Washington. Isaiah decided he would give his money away rather than buy a souvenir.
I'm really starting to get sick of these "pray for places" threads, though I do care about the places that are in need. As Pile said, if you want to actually do something to help, visit the links @Pile_of_Butts mentioned.
That's quite ignorant. "How will praying help?" Some religions actually believe it has a positive impact.
You're telling me that over 100 million pray to this 'God' to do something and he does nothing? Astounding! As said above, do something for them, don't get someone else to do something for them. You don't need money to help people, you can help them physically. I live with my mother alone, a lot of the nights that we live we go without food. I still get the urge to help out with charities, give my money that I earnt to the homeless. Why? They need it more. I have a bed, they don't. I have so many more things they don't, if 5 dollars can keep them alive, give it to them. Prayers aren't going to help them, actions will.
Look here where i live there is no such thing as a homeless point nearby or a food deposit center. Its belgium not america. I provide to the community what i can do to help, i have 4 projects i volunteer towards for helping people. What i cannot do in cash i do in actions. But don't get me wrong if i say pray for those that need help. I barely have enough cash to get my own rent payed and food. Even with my job its not all sunshine. If the rich people would care more about the people outside on the streets than there montly income, then it would make a difference.
how can someone be half retarded. like, lmao. i never specifically mentioned you, no need to be butthurt over it.
I respect you a lot Elrak, but why no just sell your computer or phone or whatever you are using to access to internet to have money for food?