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  • Potions or no Potions? That is the question

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Fritterz, Oct 27, 2015.


    What should be used in pvp to show player skill?

    1. Potions, enchantments and Gapples

      1 vote(s)
    2. Unenchanted iron/diamond no pots and no Gapples

      4 vote(s)
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    1. Fritterz

      Fritterz Experienced Member

      Sep 26, 2015
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      So me and my friend were on a gamemode in another server on which you duel each other and battle to the death. As we fought we started to discuss things about the kits and I stated that using a kit with no enchants, no potions and no god apples would show how skilled the player is in PvP combat. He, on the other hand, thinks that using potions shows the player's "Combat Prowess" and capability in battle. We came to an agreement that I would create a thread on the forum explaining everything so let me get into a few more details.

      Max (my friend) says that using potions and enchantments can cause the player to indulge in timing and observation as well as making the player combat the opponent, observation stating that you must be more observant toward your armor's durability because you take more overall damage thanks to strength pots/enchants. He also thinks that regenerative potions and health potions provide a "Shield" and helps the player absorb more damage.

      I think that the combating players should only be using a kit based on iron/diamond armor and an iron/diamond sword with 0 enchantments and 0 potions so the player can truly show the player's attacking skill, instead of stopping every 5 seconds to guzzle down a potion that gives them strength two or munching on a gapple that gives them resistance for five minutes. The use of potions stops the player from actually engaging the battle and instead he takes numerous hits and takes almost 0 damage, making the battle last about 50-10 minutes. Having a quick and equal battle with no buffs or de-buffs to me would just make it a whole lot more revealing of the player's skill

      What Do You Think?
      I'm opening a poll so please vote on which option you think is better <3​
    2. Delekson

      Delekson Experienced Member

      Sep 14, 2015
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      I think adding potions and enchants could be a good thing as it can test a person's stamina and how long he can battle for... Also there is a risk of dying if your munching on a gapple so it could test on how you time when you eat ur gapple/potions
    3. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Both ways of fighting require skill.
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