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    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Tsunderes, Nov 30, 2014.

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    1. kitkat6605910

      kitkat6605910 Legendary Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      no just no
    2. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      "I didn't mean to xD"
      Us in Infection^

      With Grace_Chua, we built millions of factions bases that were all raided until we had that one faction in The End cx
    3. Ohmic

      Ohmic Legendary Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      How I found out about Mineverse
      Well, I was searching for Infection servers and stumbled across Mineverse. I often played Infection, made numerous of friends on there, which now have departed away from here. I semi-quit the server around December-March, went to explore other games. I returned in March. I was that shy kid when I first joined, rarely talk, wasn't involved with the community. Later, I starting getting familiar with the community, came out of the shadows, started to play other gamemodes. I guess my time here changed once I got moderator, which was on July 4th. I was promoted alongside with Chezby, OhhGlaze, purifiedbws and Miningcreeper454. I didn't really consider myself as the "greatest" mod as there were better staff members than me... *cough* Glaad *cough* *cough* MrParkourGuy *cough*. I later met some amazing friends, the whole sweg faction, and we made a faction on prison. Even though we were raided like two times (we actually got raided three times, but one of them was unfair and I will not explain why due to it being a demotion of a guard.), we continue our journeys as a faction. I then resigned on September 19th. I guess that sums up the How I found out about Mineverse part.

      @salamander9o - Possibly one of my closest friends. You fgt <3

      @MrParkourGuy - Best moderator ever. 10/10 -IGN
      Also, going to hell for what I did on Cards against Humanity. Never forget that Pokemon battle we had.

      @purifiedbws - I considered him one of my best friends, along with MPG. Dedicated guard. 10/10 did gr8 m8
      "Mom get me a snorkel!"
      "Why son?"
      "Cause I'm drowning in the <edited>"

      @sarai - Overall, amazing person/mod

      @MiningCreeper454 - Amazing artist. Nice eyebrows hue hue
      Also, those kick messages when we were staff members. ;)

      @jarroyonaples - Possibly one of my first friends. Thank you for everything. :)

      @SomeGuy - The peer pressure of forcing you to make a mod app. Remember those times? Yea, those were good times.

      @mindsensation - *DO NOT CUSS ON THE FORUMS* AMAZING HAIR. No seriously, I would slowly touch your hair. :PP
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    4. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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    5. kitkat6605910

      kitkat6605910 Legendary Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      Lets stay on topic.
    6. CypriotSmasher

      CypriotSmasher Experienced Member

      Oct 8, 2014
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      Those where the days :) <3
    7. CypriotSmasher

      CypriotSmasher Experienced Member

      Oct 8, 2014
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      How I found Mineverse :P
      I found Mineverse from another server that I used to play, I loved it so much I was Admin on a Popular server:bitenails::D
      So yeah my friend Brittan01/TheRealBritt showed me here couple of months passed and she got hacks and got banned from almost every gamemode on here, I haven't seen her in so long and I really miss her..

      Friends Iv'e met here :) (I will probably forget some:haha:)
      @Grace_Chua such a Amazing friend I met you on Infected :)
      @AlmaRobb Pr0m4x_B4b3, Bubbly_Bab3, almarobb123 We have had such a long past probably my favourite person on Mineverse
      @kitkat6605910 haha yeah that amazing Island we built on Skyblock and when we used to play Infection
      @FadedChristi I met you from AlmaRobb when you used to play on the account almarobb123
      @mineterria Met you on your server... haha

      Yeah as I said I will probably forget someone, so sorry if I did.. :sorry:
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    8. CypriotSmasher

      CypriotSmasher Experienced Member

      Oct 8, 2014
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      And to all the old players from Infection.. haha HenAld, word and all that :)
    9. King_Boweman

      King_Boweman Experienced Member

      Jul 10, 2014
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      I Joined For Infection And Made Lots Of Friends

    10. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      Write please bby <3
    11. 532

      532 Experienced Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      Yeah U did Its prob someone xD
    12. TheHiddenOne143

      TheHiddenOne143 Experienced Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Warning boring story ahead:

      So it was almost January of 2013 when I found the server. Me and my friend were searching for a server to play kn, we found mineverse on like the 5th page of this website. When we first joined I thought "f**k this looks cool" (it was the ice spawn ) we instantly got hooked on kitpvp, I'd go by his house everyday with my laptop (the famous crap top I use now) and we'd camp on what we called 'butter hill' where the full gold peoe would camp. After about a mo th my friend quit minecraft but I stayed. I got kinda mad at kitpvp after I died in my only diamond and moved onto skyblock. From there I got hooked and played and played until I met this really nice girl named @Dennisse143 we talked for almost 7 months and started playing kitpvp together. We do not talk anymore either . Most of my teamats I first started with left the server awhile ago. The only ones I an remember that still play kinda hate me ( @UncleUrnesto @Gokufarts/Goku__PVP ) I eventually had a big team of random people but always stuck with @sniperboy316 we have been teamed since I first started . I got premium after a long time of not having any rank (not even commander) by wining a bet with a friend. From their he slowly got me to mvp from which others got me to god. I'm grateful for those of you who got me my ranks. From this day it makes me sad that I feel like quiting, from starting with nothing to becoming one of the most hated players on the server just dosnt make me feel right . If you didn't know back in February I gave my account to a friend while I took a break. I was gone until September when I returned to still be hated. It's gotten to the point where I feel even the mods are pushing me away. It's sad to ay but as of lately I have been regretting getting on because I know the hate will start. But we'll that's my story. Hope I didn't put you to sleep
    13. Flarey

      Flarey Experienced Member

      Mar 16, 2014
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      Awww, thank you! <33
    14. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      How I found the server:
      I found the server in November 2013 and the first game-mode I went to was KitPvP, I walked up to the portals and looked for one I thought I would have fun on(Before I knew the nether portal block was a server navigator), I started playing and I realized it was actually really fun, I got somewhat addicted to playing it whenever I had spare time, but I still had school back then so I couldn't come on that often, but it was nice. I left Mineverse for a little while just because I didn't have the time to come on, but I returned, started going on more game-modes and had a lot of fun over the months, school ended, I graduated, and now I had time to play on the server a lot more, made a forums account about a month and a half ago, and yea, here I am.

      While I don't see why these people like or talk to me, I've gotten used to talking to them and they're my closest friends.
      @krissy_punk - Best friend I could ever wish for, and since a month ago a bit more than that, thanks for everything <3
      @Ducky - Nice person to talk to and be around, I was in your fac for a while, we still talk fairly often, only in game though, thanks for what you've done for me.
      @xxELITE - One of my closest friends on the server and the one I talk to most often
      @IHaveSwagForLife - Somebody who has always been there for me no matter what
      @MrParkourGuy - We don't talk that often, and I doubt you consider us friends but I admire and respect you tremendously, thanks for all that you've done
      @kitkat6605910 - Another one of my closest friends on the server, we always ask each other how the other is doing and talk about what might be wrong, it's great having you around c:
      @rachetclanks - I remember when I was that noob who just returned from a break from Mineverse, I come on to see you're a Mod(After seeing you on the Skyblock forums) and say hi, kinda just been talking since then, I'll always be that newb you tp'd to the top of the tree so we could shoot people below :p
      @Daddy - Another person I doubt considers us friends, but again, I respect this person a lot and hope we can be in the future.
      @PopIs_MyLife - One of the greatest friends I've ever had, I'm so glad that we met and happy that we still talk often c:
      @Chloyybear4ever - We've recently became friends, you seem mature, nice, so I'm glad we got to talking, hope our friendship lasts
      @sienathebanana - Probably not going to see this, but oh well, we're still gonna talk on Skype, you're a good friend and I'm glad we can talk often c:

      How I got my rank:
      No real "story" to this, I remember talking to Ducky about how somebody wouldn't trade with me because they thought I'd scam them.. lol.. and yea, he said when you're a donor you'd be more "trusted", so he got @DaBaws19 to get me Sponsor(Thanks so much DaBaws and Ducky)

      That about ends that.
      • Like Like x 1
      Last edited: Nov 30, 2014
    15. salamander

      salamander Boss Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      luv u fgt
    16. Vampiric

      Vampiric Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      You don't love me? :o
    17. salamander

      salamander Boss Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      Kidding. <3
    18. salamander

      salamander Boss Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      Okay. My turn to do this. I'll do friends first to get it out of the way. I'm tagging very specific people I just love all too much. Sorry if you weren't mentioned, I'm making this just people who made an impact on my life on mineverse, and real life.


      Alrighty. Where do I start? I have only recently started talking to you, about 3-4 months ago. But within those few months, you've really become a person I trust. Talking to you is always fun. You're a great guy and you were, and I hope you will be soon, an amazing moderator. Hope you know that I consider you one of my closest friends, not on mineverse, overall. :) <3

      Oh you period face. You're amazing. When we skype, which is rarely at this point, sadly, you don't fail to make me laugh. It's always a good time talking to you, may it be on forums, skype or wherever else. I'm honored to be able to be your friend, even though I don't think you consider me as as good of a friend as I consider you, but I get that, I know there are better people than me. No matter, I still respect you and think of you as one of my best and closest friends overall. :) <3

      Where do I start? YOU ARE
      I love you so much, I respect you more than I respect anyone. You're honestly someone that I could never forget. You are so mature, you handle things so well and you're overall such an amazing person. I don't talk to you much, but that doesn't matter, as from the little amounts of time that I had talked to you, you never failed to amaze me and make me laugh. You were an amazing moderator, probably the best. I love you so much and you're beautiful. Never forget that.


      Alright. My mineverse story starts way back. I began to play mineverse as it first came out, in the early weeks of February, the year of 2013. I didn't play much, leading up to November 2013. I then began to play fairly often. I had gotten the position of guard quite randomly. I honestly don't know why. The last reply on my application thread was posted in mid May of 2014, yet on July 31st of 2014, the day of MrParkourGuy's demotion, Jadey, Lola, a few others and I had been promoted. It wasn't the best day, as I was quite sad about MPG's demotion. Oh well. I resigned on the 10th of September of 2014.

      That's it that's all.
    19. MiningCreeper454

      MiningCreeper454 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      /kick firo3000 nudity pls wear pants :))))))
    20. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      Well, I got into Mineverse way back in May-June 2013. My brother [@SuperHeroSean] was playing the server about a week before me, I would constantly watch him play. Then about a week after that I decided I wanted to start playing Minecraft, I started out playing singleplayer for a while until my brother told me how to join servers and the IP for Mineverse. I had loved every minute of my time on Mineverse. The gamemode I first got into was KitPvP, I loved the gamemode and that's pretty much how pvp became my favorite thing on Minecraft :p [Back when everytime I died I'd tell THAT HACKER!!!!! :p]
      One day on KitPvP I met my great friends Stepheeee and Haxaka, back then we were basically 3 nubby pvpers, Steph and Hax were cousins and they would call each other whenever they were on so basically if one was on the other would be online. Then, they both got very inactive, they weren't on Mineverse for 5 months, but one day about 4-5 months ago I saw them both online playing KitPvP and I was so happy to see them. They started to play Survival and then after a while, they went inactive again. I have not seen either of them since :(

      Then I met @Springworld about 6 months back who was my best friend, she was always nice and there for me when I needed her :)

      [This one is gonna make you laugh so hard :p] Well, @HipsterChick and I never got a long very well when I first started. To be honest, we hated each other we could not go 5 minutes without arguing :p then one day, I don't know what happened but we both just stopped, became friends and I found out that Anna was a really cool person and ever since we've been good friends.

      @BuilderNicky1 and gsman911 were my good KitPvP friends, I loved hanging out with them. gsman is now inactive :/ but I still hang on with Nick as much as I can :)

      @romar I met dis nub on Factions a looooooong time ago, My brother and I made a faction and he joined. My brother and I killed him xD but then we made up and made the faction, then we got raided and quit I guess xD
      Then romar starts getting into KitPvP and we started hanging out there ALOT.

      Then I met the greatest pile of butts you could ever meet which was @Pile_of_Butts :p She was the first moderator I ever met, she was always nice and there for myself and everyone else.

      How I got my rank, well.
      I was promoted to Premium by @JamisMegatron a long time ago on Survival. I never did rank up to any higher rank besides Moderator, mod was my dream ever since I got myself into the community. I wanted to help the server so much. I had my doubts that I would get Mod, but I just kept hope and followed my dream and one day my dream became reality, I was a moderator on my favorite server so now I could help the community and the server itself in so many more ways.
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    21. Gemmalove

      Gemmalove Experienced Member

      Aug 9, 2014
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      Came here.
      Wrote thread.
      Acquired 40 winners.
      Stalks @PopIs_MyLife for the rest of the time.
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