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    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Aleksander Kutznetzov, Jun 21, 2019.

    1. Aleksander Kutznetzov

      Aleksander Kutznetzov Active Member

      Nov 24, 2018
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      Please, refrain from calling me Captain Obvious for acknowledging that Mineverse is dead. I mean, it is simply a common fact: Mineverse cannot compete with larger servers that have more recognition, more minigames, and more internet clout. However, there still is a strong player base that comes here for the nostalgia, most likely someone who's reading this. With you, and hopefully any staff or helpers that take notice of this, may attempt to implement or push for this road (or overgrown path, depends how successful this is) out of disrepair. My solution is this: more freedoms throughout the server.

      It is to my knowledge that there is no single way to predict or calculate how a certain plan of action will have effect, especially on something so out of the spotlight from all those Harvard studies, so it is just best to implement the plan that would seem the best. Keeping that in mind, it is my opinion, one that is thought out, that increasing the abilities of non-ranked players (non-ranked players making nearly a majority of random passersby) will help convince them to stay. Some examples for this 'freedom' includes things essential to gameplay, such as helpful commands in PVP or Survival servers, plot count and block freedom in Creative, and laxer restrictions on things like simple emoticon commands.

      I understand entirely that these implementations may cut into the necessity of purchasing a rank, which I also understand is your source of profit, but if the server becomes even more inactive, the prices you set for your ranks will have been too high, since they will cause the death of the server.

      Moreover, even the rank system could be thought out a little more. To prevent profit loss from some of these changes, the server could adopt a more fast-food approach to their pricing as opposed to their $100 car manufacturer system. What I mean by that is instead of having large gaps between the pricing ranges of the ranks and the highest rank being $100 dollars no average player would want to pay, there should be closer price ranges and a lower overall cost.

      If the pricing range is closer, players would be more favorable to buy the next rank up, increasing your profit. And yes, I know that the lowest ranks are dirt-cheap, but I never meant we should change those; instead, tone down the larger payments, so that parents who fund the player's operations are more willing to take the sacrifice, meaning more ranks are bought.

      Furthermore, I understand how administrators will respond to this dilemma, but worry not. Yes, the profits of the server may be decreased, but if there is a chance that this might stimulate the growth and hopefully the revival of Mineverse, I hope we are brave enough to take it.
      Last edited: Jun 29, 2019
    2. Aleksander Kutznetzov

      Aleksander Kutznetzov Active Member

      Nov 24, 2018
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      Apologies for terrible title--I was more concerned with the spacing between the paragraphs.
    3. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      The server is actually slowly getting more populated. Look at KitPvP is was so dead 2 weeks ago, now look how active it is.
    4. Aleksander Kutznetzov

      Aleksander Kutznetzov Active Member

      Nov 24, 2018
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      However, that may be only a coincidence, but if not it may only be temporary. With major change, one can expect major results..
    5. CodBucket

      CodBucket Head Moderator Head Moderator Premium

      Mar 13, 2015
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      Wonderfully written.

    6. Aleksander Kutznetzov

      Aleksander Kutznetzov Active Member

      Nov 24, 2018
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      Addendum: I specifically prefer the 'less restriction' option because it isn't what most other servers are doing. We'd probably have a better chance attracting population by giving something new on an established gamemode we have now, instead of spending effort on bringing back a gamemode that ten dozen other servers have in full. Consolidate the 'fun', so to speak.
    7. Lamborghini

      Lamborghini Active Member

      Mar 31, 2019
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      You’re implying that we have to take every rational calculation into consideration before implementing a certain plan? If so, that’s one of the most obvious things a 5th grader could point out. Mineverse happens to be progressively growing. It’s not a coincidence at all. The developers just need to upgrade the server plugins before we implement any big plans for the server.
    8. Aleksander Kutznetzov

      Aleksander Kutznetzov Active Member

      Nov 24, 2018
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      First thing's first, I did say not to call me Captain Obvious. I'm only one of many who want a positive change for this server, and I believe in getting it done a different way.

      But whether the player count is increasing because of previous changes is unclear. I mean, the player count now could be simply because of the coming of summer, and countless exploitable hours. But just because we went up an average of a dozen players does not mean much. There are mid-range servers that can muster averages of up to 1,000, 2,000 players daily. The highest I've ever seen during my time zone lacks 80 players to make it to 200.

      Mineverse used to be extremely prosperous, and now that it's lost it all I've only seen the administration make minor bug fixes, occasional forum updates. You see, they're administering to the basic needs of the server, as if it's only brand new and out of the limelight. But this server doesn't need basic subsistence, and if you'll forgive the analogy, it needs a bottle of steroids and a protein shake. If you expect the server to gradually limp its way back to the spotlight on the pace we see now, it simply won't happen. Soon, all the people who visit because of the nostalgia will vacate, plummeting this server even further down.

      So, if we want to see major change, and Mineverse to return to its golden age, then we'd better dream big, as your signature implies, Lamborghini.
      Last edited: Jun 23, 2019
    9. KidCraftKiller

      KidCraftKiller Experienced Member

      Aug 27, 2016
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      no one logs on but hackers and their alts. the server has the potential to be popular but be honest if you were a no rank and you loved the server and everytime you got on everyone who was on was either a try hand sweaty who made it impossible for you to play, a hacker, or someone who is on your level but is afk because theyre afraid of the sweaty and try hard. why would you donate or even stay on the server.

      I think this is a good plan. this combined with a good anti cheat plugin will attract new donors and youtubers. what we need is a balance for all servers new and improved ranks, rank perks, and rank prices and some new staff (not saying remove current staff just add on to them maybe 3-4 more mods and junior mods to help us out with those pesky hackers)
      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2019
    10. iMoneyMaker_

      iMoneyMaker_ Active Member

      Jun 26, 2019
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      Nice essay, mineverse is a bit dead but more people are joining, and it is coming back. Bringing back old modes would strengthen the nostalgia (like Gta and Infection) and would bring more people to Mineverse.
    11. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      GTA was trash infection and prison need to come back
    12. iMoneyMaker_

      iMoneyMaker_ Active Member

      Jun 26, 2019
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      I might disagree with you about GTA, but i also think infection should come back because it was fun.
    13. Aleksander Kutznetzov

      Aleksander Kutznetzov Active Member

      Nov 24, 2018
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      The nostalgia is one of the few things keeping the server together; without it, people would never see the new updates and fixes. However, it is running out. Soon, people will outgrow it and stop playing; and unless changes are made to help bolster activity and the quality of the server, this server is going down.
    14. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      Look, I agree with everything that you said. Mineverse is old school and I will always say this. They don’t really implement any popular, eye catching game modes. Their game modes aren’t what most minecraft players want to play. You seem new but when they had bedwars, a lot of people were playing it. When they removed it, the server lost many players. In fact, I know some people that left because of the removal of bedwars. Also I like the idea of giving players freedom, but the only problem is you can’t. See the only problem is you cannot really give players freedom because when there was, major problems were happening. When those problems start to happen, the server will only be going downhill, but gaining players. I’m not saying they shouldn’t give freedom to players, but I’m saying there needs to be a point where it can’t be past. Some of the most loved game modes like infection, prison, bedwars and skywars were removed simply. Those servers had lots of players on them but a lot of bugs and glitches were on there which no one was taking care of. Those glitches tend to ruin the game for others which make others not want to play anymore on mineverse. So when they closed all those servers, it’s like you just took a huge bite of a cake and left the rest that no one wants anymore simply because you bit it. When portals were a thing on creative, you could take the portal as a block and trap people in it, and they couldn’t message in chat, open the mc menu or leave. So they we’re legitimately trapped. thats what happened to me. When you allow swearing on a server, you tend to be known as the toxic server were everyone swears and that causes you to lose players and might cause others to not even be interested. So what i’m saying is be careful with how they choose to give freedom. If you have been here for awhile you would know why there are so many restrictions.
    15. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      just cause mv is growing does not mean they do not have to take care of all the problems that they have, what the community wants etc. lol
    16. Aleksander Kutznetzov

      Aleksander Kutznetzov Active Member

      Nov 24, 2018
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      That's a valid point. Sometimes, there's too much freedom and it can be a server's downfall; but I'm trying to push a little more freedom, not a HolyMotherOfGodThatsALottaPatriotism freedom orgasm. I feel like many things could be loosened, as to not worry about enforcing such things and work on improving the servers and gamemodes. Little things, such as how a claiming system works or whether you can go to survival in the Creative server can mean a lot.
    17. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      When you say something’s can be loosesned, what things specifically?
    18. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      They need to add Bed Wars again. I know they wouldn't regret it.

      Also, sometimes you're messing up with your semicolon usage. You might want to take note of that for future essays.
    19. iMoneyMaker_

      iMoneyMaker_ Active Member

      Jun 26, 2019
      Likes Received:
      Yea, I agree, changes need to be made to the server or people are going to stop playing it.
    20. ZanBrad

      ZanBrad Active Member

      Jul 8, 2019
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      yet i care about this god damn server and i care for the "cost" to make the server alive and not dead anymore ive been playing this server since the beginning and yet i never quit this server and and still
      "The nostalgia is one of the few things keeping the server together" isnt that why creative2 is still kept up and yet when i heard about the revamp i thought everything was getting reset which i didnt like the sound about that but if there is an idea about reviving the server i love and i like it so be it.. and let it happen and though i wish this server doesnt die out but my friends from this server quit in 2015 and i dont understand why everyone just suddenly went poof like it was the thanos snap of mineverse which it pretty much was and still with changes there could be a change new people would wanna join but what about other players they might leave you can change something and people would leave but new people will come things dont last forever but i wish this server was alive...

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