I am just now getting to this, as I really want to clear my plot. A few months ago I happened to change my IGN from: BionicPig_ To: PressTehPancake I had however lost my permissions to the plot I had already owned, Now that I have bought Supreme I have gotten my three extra plots, But it still won't let me clear my original one. I have waited a few weeks before to see if it was just a glitch, Now it is somewhat annoying. Please help me solve this issue, It would mean a lot. ~Press
Email [email protected] once a week. The other solution is you change your name back, but that means any plot claimed under the username PressTehPancake will not allow you to use the commands. Good luck.
1 Firstly, you change your name back to old name. 2 When you can change your name back, dispose your plots 3. Change your name 4. Quickly re claim your plots back, be careful as people can claim your disposes plots, but this is very, very unlikely. 5. Enjoy! Or, you could go to [email protected] although you should bump the email (Just reply to it) every week (give or take), then it will be likely that Cyp will listen to you, as he gets a lot of messages and can become very busy.