/ctc is too op in skyblock where people get free 500 skybucks daily. This has made the economy bloated and now money is too easy to come by. I barely play skyblock anymore and in a bit of time I already got $50k. I would suggest to remove /ctc and hopefully money becomes worth a bit more. I remember when even $10k was a lot back in the day.
500$ is nothing compared to the tens of thousands you could make in 1 day from AFKing a big pumpkin farm
You're right. I was able to make around one hundred thousand a day from AFK-ing my pumpkin farm. Five hundred is not really anything to worry about.
If I'm correct /CTC is a daily command. 50000 ÷ 500 = 100 days 50k in 100 days is absolutely terrible.
lel people care about skyblock economy now? should've seen the old one, i made a couple million in 2 weeks with a big sheep grinder and cookie farm with like 4 accounts afk, got a beacon and made a huge i-45 style stone gen and 2 more cookie farms, no one cared.