I resently bought God rank and I really miss player vaults on factions and Survival on other servers. The command is /PV (number.). OK so I have a idea on how many donors get. The lowest rank you need is MVP and up. Mvp's will get one single "PV" and every upgraid u receive one more single chest and every 2 chests turns into a double chest. Now I own a fairly large server. Which is mainly factions and survival. I allow donors at diamond rank "which is 25$" one "PV". I or the staff or o0ped people can see and take items from other members or donors pv's. So u staff can do /PV Munchiemouth and you will be able to see everything. I hope you owners and staff consider my Idea. Feel free to leave a like or comment.
I actually kind of like this. ;) Hope this happens! Good Luck munchiemouth! Btw you're in my faction.
It will be on factions, opfactions, survival and creative. Creative: I thought it would be nice for donors to have a place to store op items. Survival: donors will be able to store their riches and armour. In a place where only they can access. (Besides staff and owners) Factions: on almost every faction server there are player vaults or /chest. I think it would be nice for sldonors to store there valuables and items in a secure place. Unraidable vaults with plenty of room. Accesable with a simple command. Op factions: the same as regular prison. Only this time they might store diamonds or op kits and armor. Prison: the playervaults will store armor and weapons.
No just no. • Personally this would onto work on prison-like servers. • On factions people will use like 2 double chests for Armour, potions and OP items/tools/weapons. This is just not letting factions be itself. The point in factions is you PvP, build a Faction/base, Raid others. If this was put in. No one would put there stuff in there bases besides stuff. • Survival, people will put all there dupped items in, OP stuff and quickly store everything in when dieing. • creative? Wtf, mate. No one can even open your chests or enderchest even moderators +. That's called being lazy. Not being able to come to the plot, get stuff and go back? Lol. I am currently god and I think if /chest or /pv or. Ahots will be added, they defetly need small space not like 3 double chests. Prison is the most best server which should have /chests. Remember this is my opinion, not everyone's. (Editing again later.)