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    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by TeamTyler, Jul 15, 2016.

    1. Grayman

      Grayman Experienced Member

      Mar 18, 2016
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      @Mr. Sikowitz You have always been a great friend of mine, Helping me with my mod apps, cooking me POTATOES and just being funny. Ever since I met you I could see us being friends. You have never been rude to me and have always treated me like you wanted to be treated.

      @Redman333 Ever since I met you 2 and a half years ago we have always been great friends, we have never had an argument since that day. You have always been nice to me and made me feel happy and you have never made me feel down about myself. I believe i recall how we met on Parkour:

      "[II] kpwj: Can i have help Ninjadreamer10?"
      "[III] Ninjadreamer10: Ok"
      "[III] Ninjadreamer10: Watch me"
      "[II] kpwj: no"

      Then you do all the levels and everyone calls you a hacker because of your skills. You've always been good at Parkour and PvP, who knows what other things you play and what your good at. (you never know with your skills)

      @NoMoreSadness (Trinazoid) When we met on Parkour that day and we started talking, I was really talking to you because i knew we had potential in our friendship. I can't imagine what I would be doing in my life without you. You always make me happy and exited. I have always wanted to feel your hands in mine. I couldn't imagine the world without you alive.

      @Methylone Even though we have been mean to each other I sill think that we could be great friends from the start and I hope that we could become even better friends.
      • Like Like x 1
    2. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      i missed like 5 people oops
    3. Jesse234106

      Jesse234106 Experienced Member

      Dec 30, 2014
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      @Natsumi1022 - for being an amazing friend, making my profile picture
      @Reborn Memes / @Wolf64 - You both are amazing friends, having the wolf clan together
      @Janice999 - Your a sweet and a caring person, you enjoy my baked products posted on this website
      @Nightfire - We've been friends for quite a while now, your an nice and a swag guy
      • Like Like x 1
    4. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      @Methylone Always kind and helped encourage me to keep my mod app open :)

      @Swift Great friend who I talk with on skype constantly :)

      @Zaxx Always helpful and helps me catch hackers on kitpvp :) Along with other reasons.

      @Payable Is always there when I have 5 reports sitting in the report sections and answers them. Along with this saves my butt on kitpvp when I'm going to die.

      @xHollahh Same as payable. Always gets my reports for me :D Along with that you have been my friend for months. How we used to talk in skype calls. Was a great time.

      @Pile Has been my friend since the day I was first promoted. Before I resigned you tried talking me out of it and gave me another opportunity that I can't specify here. Since then we have talked a lot along with many other things. Thank you for being such a kind player <3

      @NoMoreSanity I remember when you finally decided you would apply for mod, it was a great day. Then you got mod but I had sadly already resigned and we couldn't do what we had always wanted to do which was be mods together. You also help me out on kitpvp when I need it. Thank you :)

      @TheNiceCanadian Inspired my name :D

      @Janice999 you have always been there to help me, when I got mod you showed me the guidelines and you continue to do so to this day even though I am not mod anymore. :)

      @RandomNinja14 We talk on skype a lot. It is nice and you always help me out when I have a report sitting their. Thank you :)

      @Wolfie (accidentally did @Wxlfi xD) you always help me in-game when I need it and you help encourage me when I need it. Thank you for being such a good friend :)

      @Somebody Can't believe I missed you. CeruleanBlue. I remember when I first met you. I was going for moderator and I went on skyblock to try and gain supports from skyblock players. I asked for your and it took awhile but I finally got it. :) Thank you for always being a good friend.

      Hope I didn't miss anyone. thank you guys ^
      • Like Like x 2
      Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
    5. Methylone

      Methylone Experienced Member

      Mar 11, 2016
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      frfr though
      @Zaxx you're a good friend no doubt in my mind about it. You're cool, awesome, amazing and many other things but I don't want to kiss up to you too much so i'll stop here.

      @Swift oh swift. You're such a cookie man. We had our ups and downs but at the end of the day you're an amazing friend who is very trustworthy.

      @TheNiceSnake We haven't been through much but i'm still able to call you one of my good friends.

      @Teeeb oh where do I start with you Anna. Do you like tats because I do ;);). You're amazing ok.

      @ari We should meet sometime and go to timmies since we're so cool.

      @Redman333 you're a beast at parkour. You're a very kind and gentle person. You're cool and amazing.

      @jeff221 oh man. I'm sure gonna miss you as you're gone now but it's all good as we both still have contact on skype. You're a very extrodinary person. I wish you the best of luck with your soon to come child and wife.

      @YRVintage's appeal you're dope and cool. Love to have someone on this server that i'm able to talk freely to about basket ball and fly kicks.

      @Mr. Sikowitz Almost forgot the one and only Billy! Jheez it's been a long ride with you. You've been here since day 1 although we've went through some things we were able to work it out. Other than that you're very mature and cool :)

      I might have missed some people but it's okay because i'm not trying to write an essay.
      • Like Like x 2
      Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
    6. DinoDuck

      DinoDuck Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2016
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      @TADS - I miss you, a lot. I know you're coming back 'soon', I'm hoping sooner than I thought. Earlier today when we were on Skype, yes I was crying. It's not a natural thing for me at all, and that's why I dealt with it poorly. After hearing your inspirational guides I felt all right. (Not everyone is aware, me and Tads aren't dating anymore.) I'm pretty positive that you are the amazing one Tads. I know so as a fact you're going to have a successful life and be with someone way better than me. Working with you Tads, was amazing while it lasted. Also what was amazing was to say you we're mine. "Living the past isn't a good thing." :')

      @Jenn - I am very lucky to have you, we were friends since 2014. That hasn't changed in 2 years, we were also promo buddies which was amazing! You always make me laugh and smile when I play in-game with you. You're doing an outstanding job as moderator 'hun! Love 'ya!

      @RandomNinja14, @xHollahh & @kinsey_kid - Kinsey, when we skyped you forced me to talk, we ended up in a call for 53 minutes, lol #Best friends. Random and xHollahh, you both encouraged me to talk at least once. You wouldn't give up until I spoke! Thanks for being those enthusiastic friends, lool.

      @Teagan - You're super sweet baby girl! When I was Elite I knew you, when my IGN was DinoDuck_. When we first met I remembered you avoided me, we started to hang out a little more and know were best friends. Taz and you were really funny when we would play creative we mostly talked a lot in /me. We would never really to /msg either, lol. Know that I will always love you.

      @Linkin Park - You and I would talk on kik a lot. I remembered when you said you saw my face in the mirror even though I wasn't even close to the mirror. Yeah, my dog did pee on me, then you said "good for you" ;-; much wow Kyle. It was so fun chatting with you on Kik. Sorry I don't go on kik anymore Kyle. Still waiting 'til you get promoted.

      @ari - You could do it taco!
      Then you fell on a very easy jump, jheeze taco.

      @MaxNinja10 -
      Me: hi
      Max: hi
      Me: am I dank?
      A day later...
      Max: eh

      Of course I cannot miss the most important,

      The staff team - Thank you Cypriot for giving me this position. Thank you @Dyna_Mighty & @Janice999 for answering all my question when needed. All staff work their butts off to try and help everyone and get valid proof of hackers, reply to ban appeals and look at reports.
      I am not sure how many times I've said this. Us staff have flaws, we are not some robots that ban every hacker at sight. We are only human, you're not human if you don't make a mistake, you're not human if your are perfect. I insist that everyone needs to know this.
      (if I missed someone, I am truly sorry.)
      I appreciate all you guys and what you guys all do for me. Thanks
      • Like Like x 1
    7. Ohmic

      Ohmic Legendary Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      aH... wHere can we start? we Have known eacH otHer for about two years now. First time we Have met was in Infection.. wHen I tHougHt you were a grill lol. We tHen got promoted togetHer and became better friends from tHere. I'll still remember tHe day you were demoted, I tHink I even cried a bit. Anyways, you Have always been tHere for me and dealt witH my BS. Every time I talk to you and/or do sometHing with you, you make my day. I don't know How to tHank you for being sucH a wonderful person. Hope we can continue tHis friendship :)

      @Secunda I enjoy talking to you. You're a genuine, Humorous and generous person. You and I can relate to a lot, well, in my perspective lol. I feel like I disappoint you because, you know... I Haven't finisHed ThAT game.

      @IncaMiyuki I met you tHrougH some convo of pokemon since tHat is one of my favorite games. For all I can say, is tHat you're wonderful (lovely as well) Human being just like Puri~. I enjoy talking to you, and I wisH I could talk to you even more. oH wHale, Hope you stay rad, lad.
      p.s. ily xd

      I'll probably write some more later. I'm currently tired and Have work tomorrow so yea.
      Edit: Just did a few more lmao
      Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
    8. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      @AndreCrafter1 - You're one of my closest friends on Mineverse. It's a blast to play with you on Bedwars..

      @cheetahswimmer - Cheetah.. We've been friends for almost a year and a half and I hate that you quit playing here, I have no way to contact you and I'm very sad that we have stopped talking.. :(

      @Disrespection - I love you Sarah <3. Sorry we don't talk as much, I'm busy and usually don't call on skype a lot, but we can talk soon if you want :).

      @FindingLife_ - You're an awesome ice cream cone <3 I love playing with you :D

      @Galaxy_Storm - I've known you for around 2 years, but then you quit for a lot of that time, it's great having you back on Skype to talk.

      @ImMrStealYoGurt - We haven't talking in a while, but it's great to still be friends with you.

      @IncaMiyuki - I love your building skills and it was blast to build that skywars map with you!

      @Inefable - You've always supported everything that I've done here, that is very kind of you :).

      @KenjiTakashami81 - You're also one of my closest friends on Mineverse, even though we didn't get along in the start, the past is the past.. time to make better memories.

      @KimchiNuke - I remember back in the day we played on Survival had our own town together, what happened to those times.. I miss them :(

      @kinsey_kid - You're my inspirational, you help me so much in time, I couldn't be more grateful to have you. Thank you :).

      @Kyra - Kyra! of course I couldn't forget you. I love you and the amazing times we have had together.

      @Linkin Park - It's fun to be in the Empire clan with you! Having a blast playing with you.

      @Maemii - I knew you before you were mod and it was a blast to play together and still be your friend to this day :')

      @Matt - We don't know each other that much, but I honestly would love to talk to you..

      @Methylone - You're my greatest friend from the past, you've supported me so much. I couldn't be happier.. Thanks for being that great friend I needed. Awesome talking to you on skype.

      @Oggy303 - You're amazing, even though you quit Mineverse.. It's fun to play with you when you get on barely.

      @PerfectlyTragic - I think you quit Mineverse as well, but it's still fun to talk to you on skype :).

      @Pile - Your dedicated to help others including me, Thank you for your help in everything :).

      @Rhythm Skelly - You're awesome to play with, we catch hackers together a lot.. oh times have faded.

      @RobloxianRoblox - Remember those times on SBI, moderating there was a blast with you.. too bad it shut down..

      @Secunda - You're the jelly on my peanut butter yo, I'll add you on steam eventually :>.

      @SnipSnap - You're a amazing artist and It's awesome to play with you :).

      @SoSerious - We didn't get along so well in the start, but the past is behind us, it's awesome to catch hackers with you on Archer PvP.

      @SpiderVenom_ - You're chill and cool like Kenji :p Good having you as a friend.

      @Teeeb - Why did you abuse me as a soccerball on OP :(.. You're still a great friend.

      @TheNiceSnake - You're awesome to talk to on Skype daily, hopefully this friendship won't end ever.

      @Tigerzftw_ - Your that one guy I think is actually funny :>

      @unspokenlyrics - I honestly hate that you left Mineverse.. but it's still cool to talk to you on skype if you ever read this of course..

      @Wolfie - I remember those amazing times we had on Bedwars before you were mod. It was a blast!

      @Zaxx - You're amazing at building and funny on Skype :) Nice to still have you as a friend.

      I hope I didn't forget anyone, If I did, no hard feelings <3
      Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
    9. Starbucks

      Starbucks Well-Known Member

      Apr 5, 2016
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    10. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I can't find either @IncaMiyuki or me in there

    11. Dann

      Dann Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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    12. TeamTyler

      TeamTyler Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      @waffle boi - You have no idea how grateful I am to have Premium. I screamed IRL and had everyone wonder why. xD ILY <3

      @Pile - Thanks for the thousands of rate abuse bans, as I am not familiar with the rating system.

      @NoMoreSadness (Trinazoid) - Thanks for being positive towards me and telling me everyone is beautiful in their own way. I feel I've recently made a friend, a good friend.

      @CorbinCore - You've been a great friend for over a year. You've helped me a ton, protected me from those who tried to kill me and you've been so amazing. <3

      @RobloxianRoblox - I'm glad that we're able to communicate now without it being awkward for us. I'm glad we've gotten over our differences. You've been really helpful as well. I hope the diamonds I gave you on .NET help <3

      @TheSugarCane - Thanks to you, I get all the sugarcane I want. :t: Thanks for always being there for me. I've been able to keep some secrets and give them to you. You're basically like my diary xD

      @Inefable - We saw each other as a problem within my first week here, now we're like buds :D. You've been so nice to me.

      @Business Kitty - You are purrfect

      @Teeeb - Thanks for forgiving me, we are like pretty chill now. Thanks for being a Hellblock buddy also xD

      @zambiaba - You are always being savage

      @bertgamer333 - You've been so kind, yet honest with me. I remember when we barely talked on NET like years ago xD we are so close now

      @OfficerWade - I MISS YOU BABYYYYYYY <3

      @LindsayTDI - My Total Drama buddy!

      @BrokenSoapx - For copping me likes <3 don't do it too much bb

      @Pieman46 - Giving me 2 netherstars and selling me 20 really cheap on Survival xD

      @Krissy - You are a great moderator on Skyblock, apply here too :)

      @Herf - You always wreck me in PvP
    13. Linux

      Linux Boss Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      You're a great friend. And you're always there when I need someone to talk to and complain to, lol. And you've never been mean to me. You're super good at parkour.

      You're a great friend, aswell. And very talented at parkour. You've never really been mean to me.

      You're a good friend, I've talked to you on parkour.

      You're super cool, and good at parkour. We almost tied in the parkour comp.

      @NoMoreSadness (Trinazoid)
      We've only just started talking on skype, but you're really cool.

      We've only just started talking, but you're also really cool.

      I consider you a friend, though we don't talk much, but that was funny on bedwars that one night. I hope you decide to come back some day. :)

      @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @Pile @Dyna_Mighty @Nanurz @Business Kitty @Matt @Dewbious @Dewster @Nimjam @Rythen @Alex @Alma @BlackZone @Clxrity @Cotner @DinoDuck @Exstatisfy @Janice999 @Jenn @kinsey_kid @Maemii @MaxNinja10 @Musezeta @NoMoreSanity @paulainmo @Payable @RandomNinja14 @Surge @Wolfie @xHollahh
      Thanks for all the work you do. ;)
      • Like Like x 1
    14. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      No problem its a pleasure serving :)
    15. Puri~

      Puri~ Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      Cause I'm tHe only cool one :t:
    16. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      @Teeeb - my 5am convos are always with you and you slayed my life, ily

      @MR_B3N_123 - lowkey making you jealous is my everyday thing now because your reaction is worth smiling at, bbg (;

      @Methylone - don't think your special for being on my list ok you're just here bc timmies is the answer

      @Espin - we have so many things in common it's like a relationship by blood omg girl ly

      @thorraks - boi I want u to give me your cat, buy me chocolate, and let's drive to walmart at 2am

      @Clxrity - oops sorta forgot you but you know you can trust me in anything and I love your snaps. Stay blessed u my fave mod
      Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
    17. DinoDuck

      DinoDuck Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2016
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      What about me Taco?
    18. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      If I ever go to adidas I'm bringing you with me and we're gonna live the stress-free life, with mint ice cream bc that's my fave. :')
    19. Wolfie

      Wolfie Boss Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      @Teddy - For being my first friend on Mineverse. :)
      @TheEnderSlime - For being my second friend on Mineverse. I would like to thank you for being there for me and teaching me the ways of the potato.
      @NoMoreSadness (Trinazoid) - We have been friends for a while. I have always liked our little talks. :)
      @Swift - Thank you for those bedwars rounds where you crushed me. It was always fun playing with you, and I hope we can continue. :)
      @EnglishDuck - Thank you for being one of my friends. I didn't really talk to you until we started having our skype calls which I really enjoyed. :)
      @Zaxx - I only started talking to you, but I really enjoy our talks. :D
      @Alma - I only started talking to you as well, but you are a very funny person and I love moderating with you. :)
      @RandomNinja14 - I still remember the first day we met. :) You are a very nice person to talk to and one of my first infection buddies. :D
      @CIASnipez - You are a very funny person and a very fun to play with. I hope our skype calls continue in the future. :)

      @Auzzi - When of the greatest people on Mineverse. Kind, loving, helpful. :) You are a very nice person to talk to and I love our skype calls. I hope you get moderator, as you deserve it. <3

      Adding more people later. :)
      • Like Like x 1
    20. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      what is an adidas

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