That means it was edited. And it is pretty obvious in Snookaii picture the L when Hoty said something is MUCH DIFFERENT than the L when Plouuu said it. I am not sure what your are saying about copy and pasted, because that is the same as editing the chat.....
Ehh so you're saying i photoshopped that i took screen shot of our whole convo And i don't even know how to photoshop lol
Please don't reply to my thread ? i don't feel like you're being equal here you just msged me saying "why do you photoshop " lol
I Agree with @Auzzi here. That "L" totally looks Photoshopped from your screenshot. And, you could simply be lying about not knowing how to photoshop.
I can reply if I want, and I will especially reply when someone is trying to straight up lie. I did post on your profile, because maybe next time make sure the L are the same Also you tried to lie again XD. Saying that you just screenshot it. Why would there be two different types of capital L?
they can't be, because the console has said some things in one of the screenshots, and you can see a msg going on, whilst you can't see either in the other screenshot.
That pic was in my screenshots folder i got alot more screenshots of the same day Can't you guys like see the chat logs in the server ?? I am sure you guys can Ooh i see what you guys mean by two different "L's" Well you can see in one of them plouuu says "L?" with a question mark and in other one theres no question mark Well obviously it won't make sense if he said " L ? " to someone else who he beat so he probably would change it to "L" If you don't get it look " die in fire " when hoty says that hes like " L " " LOL OK BANNED " And in the other one When hoty says " L " hes like " L ? " " LOL Ok banned "
No we're asking why in your own screenshot, why Hoty says "L" which isn't the same font as the rest of the chat. It isn't as bold or thick as when Plouuu says "L".
Okay, so it took me a good 5 minutes to figure out which screenshot is photoshopped. Now I will break this down so you'll understand. This is your screenshot: Now on that screenshot I am going to compare the "L" that you posted to when Plouuu said "LOL" in the chat. Now as you can see the L's, are both very different. Your "L" is thinner compared to when Plouuu said "LOL", so this proves that you're the person who photoshopped the photo not Plouuu. Although Plouuu has a lot of history in this community, give him a break and before you edit your own screenshots in order to back up your mistakes think twice. You deserved to be banned. Here is Plouuu's screenshot:
I'm not talking about the "L?" And the other "L" I'm talking about the that looks photoshopped in your screenshot. The "L" in your screen shot that you said looks photoshopped and it looks like it was placed there to cover up the "Die in fire" that was shown in the other screenshot. That one is the one that looks faked and photoshopped
Ehh well i don't know how it looks photoshopped to you i took several screen shots that day and even you can come check my logs , before you say you can edit them you can see the " edited " time and you can go check plouuu's logs and see the "edited" if you want to get some more proof why not check server logs for oppvp ?
This proof literally shows proof that you were the one to photoshop this. There is no denying it. Nice find btw Jubba :D
Yes, because the owners who have lives, are going to sit through their chat logs, cipher through hundreds of messages to find your possibly fake accusations? You do realise there are hundreds of people online daily? Get some valid proof. Then make your accusations.