Yes, you have to donate for a pet. For 5$ you can get the following: Factions: Access to /hat Access to /pet Join server if full. Access to /kit premium: 1x Full Iron Armour set. 1x Diamond Sword 4x EnderPearls 8x Steak (24 hour cooldown) Survival: Access to /hat Access to /pet ?Access to /disguise Access to /kit premium: 1x Full Gold Armour set. 1x Full Gold Tool set. 1x Gold Sword (Include Pickaxe, Shovel, & Axe) (24 hour cooldown) KitPvP: Access to /hat Access to /pet Access to /kit premium: 1x full set of Gold Armour. [Protection I] 1x Stone Sword [Sharpness I] 1x Bow [Punch I] 4x Enderpearls (15 minute cooldown) Prison: Access to /hat Access to /pet Access to /kit premium: Full Leather Armour 1x Iron Pickaxe 1x Iron Axe 64x XP Bottles (24 hour cooldown) Skygrid: Access to /hat Access to /pet ?Access to /disguise Access to /kit premium: 6x Iron Ingot 1x Iron Pickaxe 16x Redstone 64x Cobblestone (24 hour cooldown) Creative: Access to /pet ?Access to /disguise Access to /speed Access to /ptime Access to /hat Skyblock: Access to /hat Access to /pet ?Access to /disguise Access to /kit premium: 3x Iron Ingot 8x Redstone 32x Cobblestone (24 hour cooldown) Skywars: Access to /pet Access to /kit premium: $10 in-game money to use at /shop. (24 hour cooldown) OpPvP: Access to /pet Access to /kit premium: 1x Stick [Knockback 5] 1x Diamond Sword [Sharpness 5] (15 minute cooldown) Infection: Access to /pet Access to /kit premiumXP: 5x XP Bottles (24 hour cooldown) And access to /kit premium: 1x Iron Helmet 1x Iron ChestPlate. 1x Iron Leggings. 1x Iron Boots. 1x Iron Sword. [Sharpness I] (5 minute cooldown) Your pets/DIsguises are: Chicken, squid. Hope this helped
Hello, exponexedition. To get a pet, you need to donate, as said earlier. You can donate at this following site: Please reply if you wish to know more.