There was the confusion about pet hiding being bannable, but that is all over. It has been confirmed by Cypriot and @DjRyan that pet hiding is allowed and not against any rules.
All types of "Pet Hiding" among all PvP servers, are infact NOT ALLOWED . Pets are implemented to be aesthetics to donor players. They're made to give the player an extra "perk". They are not made to be as of aid in PvP. Such as Hiding in them in order to survive a wave / round of zombies, nor to hide in in order be able to disconnect and not combat log. This has been handled using the 1 warning and you're out ordeal. Where, if you're reported / caught abusing this, then we warn you . If you ignore our nice warning, it's a ban. Any questions? Feel free to PM me. -Dontchallengeme.