So it seems to me no one has addressed this situation including all of the problems. First off, I noticed that the command /hat, //set (world edit), /plotme deny (and undeny), and the color codes have been taken away. (Probably more, but I haven't seen them) In advance, I'd like to apologize if any of these commands were taken off by mistake. First off, I understand your reasoning for taking away the color codes, for it was super annoying and people were impersonating famous people. Second of all, I'm not sure if it was a mistake, but the /plotme deny command was very useful and it would be good to give it back. I don't know if the /hat command was causing problems, I could see how but not that could cause that great of problems. (Once again, I apologize if it was a mistake) As for the //set command, that was not the initial problem for the griefing of world edit. Coming from a player's view of being op on a friend's server, I know what all the world edit commands can do and how. (No, it wasn't me who griefed spawn) If you haven't taken it away already, the command was //up 1. (Reason for the glass) I know that voting has its perks and one of them was world edit on creative. Without //set, there really is no point in World edit....That was mainly what people used (if building something big, I'm not sure what others use) I don't believe it should be taken away. Now for the other servers, I'm not sure how many perms were taken away, if there were any. I only really go on Skyblock, creative, infection and Survival, so it doesn't really matter to me but creative. I believe the things you should be working on however is people getting past caps filters and using symbols for advertising. God this sounded really cocky, sorry XD but I know it's not just me who is upset about this. However, I understand your reasoning of taking some of these commands away. THANKZ :D!
Yes I really wish those commands were back!! I don't know if something is messed up or some of the Donor commands are not working.
I think hey removed them because they were becoming "overused and abused" to often. If somebody wanted another player off a plot, they could still use the WorldEdit commands to effect the plot. If this is not correct I am sorry, ask somebody who might know or cyp himself, they'll be happy to help