Hello! There is really not another way to put this, but I believe perm banned members should have their profile deleted. There is no point in having them here if members cannot view them. They can appeal on a different account and have their profiles put back up. Many of you might not agree with me, but maybe some of you will. Thanks for reading. -Danielle
http://www.mineverse.com/forums/f-a-q.93/ Please read the FAQs and rules. No support. I cannot believe you're trying to run for moderator and you don't have knowledge on the server you're trying to get a position on.
This is exactly what @SpartanDoesPvP did to get me unbanned It's been a while, pain in the and Is against the rules. I had a choice to choose which forums account to use, I chose this one. Having more than 1 forums account is against the rules
Mods can view perm banned profiles. If deleted, it's impossible. Once something is deleted, it's gone forever. This couldn't even happen. Mods still need to get to these profiles to get their proof and see all the player history.