My Introduction (sorry if I'm bad) Hi I'm Ally. Honestly I'm not very good at introductions or things related to that. ~ I'm newish to forums considering on my last forums account I was rarely ever on but I want to change that and be more active. I have some good friends on mineverse and this server is great. ~ Every single thing I've played on this server was fun and the mods do a nice job of keeping everything from becoming insane. ~ I'd be lying if I told you that I liked every song on the radio. I like a few but I mostly listen to bands like Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At the disco, and Fall Out Boy. I also like rap songs xP ~ Ugh I'm talking so much about myself but I have some amazing friends from this server, but most of them don't have forum accounts a few do tho. @Swiftlicious @ImMrStealYoGurt @KimchiNuke @Oggy303 @LlamaHoe and a few others (okay a lot more) they're all cool and if you asked me about them I could tell you such great things. ~ I'm also pretty shy in real life but it's a bit different on mineverse I guess. I am a girl, and I love basketball and softball. (I play for the girls team at my school) I'm also pretty smart (not bragging lol people are probably way smarter.) I also favorite the color purple and am American. Illinois born and raised and my opinions on the politics and such would probably cause debates xD ~ I also binge watch Netflix every once and a while and like Dr. Pepper better than pepsi or Coke. :p this server is great and I will definitely donate to it if I ever get the money to do so. anyways yeah that's that. Not really much more :D My skype is Honestly_Honest and my old username used to be MsPandaGirl, just in case some of my old friends don't recognize PerfectTragedy. Bleh I also like to read. :3 (I'm a bit of nerd but at the same time not really.) ~ Lastly I'm very opionated and usually comment on things that take up my interest. If you for some odd reason want to know more about me just ask xP
Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here, and feel free to message me (or anyone else) with any questions/concerns.
:0 Panic! And FOB <'3 I saw FOB and I'm gonna be seeing Panic! and might be meeting them c; VVelcome.~ C=