Please fix the lag on parkour you can't actually move without having a lot of lag as proven by this video that StefanZak recorded and posted on YouTube yesterday (30th January). If you can fix the opprison lag you can fix this as it affects the parkour really bad. YouTube video:
this is not the server lag. It is frames lag. The best thing you can do is close all those windows, download optifine, or get a better computer. There is nothing that can be done
Many other people were experiencing this lag not just me. I didn't take the video either. That was something they had uploaded to YouTube for me to watch and pass ii (yes I'm so bad at parkour).
Tanner just spent last night moving all the servers information to a database to clear up a lot of the lag. I highly doubt it was the server, and believe it was whoever recorded this was having issues on their end. Try again, the server runs fine.
I recently purchased a gaming computer, and I can run major apps like Steam along with many others at once with ease. Parkour is extremely laggy no matter what, and it's not a coincidence.