Yes. I only have screenshots for this. But hear me out- They do work if you think about it. Offender is xXLUnATIc Offender was: 1) Posing as a mod 2) Denied hacking 3) Flied in Parkour Evidence: Mod Poser: Getting hurt while landing. Before you think that he was just jumping and got hurt, look at where all those particles are. Even if he landed, he would fall. Floating while trying to get here. You may think that he pressed shift too early, it's lag, or it's a glitch. If all that were true, how else would he have gotten to the end zone? Skyrocketed. Can't see much here. Next image is better. Flying. Up there. Landing when flying. And no, it's not a picture of him falling, If so, you would see other levels.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.