@lionbdcraft agreeged young man <3 +1 young man pls nu hurt me young man <3 <3 young man young man young man
People usually vote for the Sharp x sword, not the knockback items.. Also please tell me, do you even play OpPvP on a daily basis?
This would make a way for donators easyer to kill non-doners, All tho it is very annoying at least the non donors have a chance to get away or even to win a fight. I think taking away the knockback sticks would be unfair to non-donors and not worth it. The person that made this thread Is more then likely a donator, and is not thinking about both sides, The normal players and the donors. Those who are wondering I am a donor (God) I'm thinking about all the normal players, If a titan or a god comes up to a normal player with out them having a knockback stick, they are pretty much dead, no chance at wining at all.. NO SUPPORT.
There are things called enderpearls for a reason, do you even OpPvP bro? Also how do donator perks help us or defaults if no one has them, there are other servers who are perfectly fine without them, why not here? Also people hardly ever use it to run away.. if they really wanted to get away, they would use enderpearls. People who carry knockback sticks and knockback enchanted items just abuse the hell out of it, and not for pvp wise, but for their own entertainment for knocking everyone 10 + blocks away.
You are not understanding what Im trying to say, Donators are to op, taking away the knockback sticks will not be fair to normal players, even tho there is enderpeals, normal players will still die, because the donators follow them, if we took away the knockback sticks there will be no way for them to "defend" them self because we just follow them. So again No Support.
Sorry But Not All The Donators Are OP, There Is A Lot Of Non-Ranked Players That Are As Good As Ranked Players. Before i had elite rank, i was easily killing some donators too
This is the funniest thing I have ever seen. I play on multiple accounts. I have a god, premium, and no rank. I can kill people on any of the 3 accounts. NO MATTER THE RANK. Its called having skill. People that use kb sticks to get out of every fight no matter what rank the other player has obviously is just a troll. Removing KB sticks would influence players to learn to pvp and less spammy stick. I am a donator, and a non-donator. I want sticks removed because when I jump from spawn no matter my rank and try to fight someone and I get slapped away with a KB stick its annoying. I cant tell you how many times I've jumped from spawn, started a fight and have a random non-donor have a 15+ kb stick and hit me away from my fight and just try to fight me with the kb stick. Its annoying and honestly makes me want to quit OpPvp. It wouldn't cause people to leave. It would cause people to join because then you can actually pvp. Well that's my opinion. Dont hate for the truth
No Support, it's handy if a donor with good armour heads for you, and if someone is hitting this at you, leave them alone. It's what they want after all, so go kill some guy who throws away his knockback sticks