I am reporting this on 2ober's side Ingame name: 2ober (not me!) The offender's ingame name: zTanay A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: 2ober had let zTanay borrow 19tril, and zTanay had only paid 15.2 back, Evidence/screenshots. (provided by 2ober) http://prntscr.com/70snck <-- Notice how zTanay only pays 2ober 1.9tril not 19 http://prntscr.com/70sngj http://prntscr.com/70snif @Musezeta would be the preferable mod to review this.
3.8 tril right? 2ober said that zTanay only paid 1.9 tril 8 times, and needed to pay 1.9 twice more 2 x 1.9 = 3.8
Also zTanay looked back in his log and came up with this backing the fact that he was paid 1.9tril 8 times http://prntscr.com/70t6zk
***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Do not run a multimode until zelda posts 2ober's whole game output log. He did a search which is why all the chat is missing.
Also he wanted me to add this http://prntscr.com/71khx7 http://prntscr.com/71kt9s Note zTanay hasn't been on OPprison for 2 days
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.