I recently changed my username from iiSwag_ back to Delekson and at my plot I still had an old chest shop which sold sticks for 1tril (cause of debts to be paid off). I randomly decide to spam the sign (but I wish I hadn't :/) and it took 1tril from me each (total of 5tril) and gave me a stick. This normally doesn't happen as it knows that the sign was from your old username. I'm not sure what to do... The same thing apparently happened to @oneluffy1. Please sort this out Thank You ~Delekson
Haha that's the kind of mistake I would make... Good luck, I hope this issue gets resolved for you. I would say to change your name back but who knows if once you got the old name back it would have the money.
Do what every has recommended above and contact one of the owners. They should be able to help you but none of us are able to guarantee it. Good luck regaining your money mate. I'd hate to have that happen to me.