Is it bannable to have a witherskeleton head (that you bought) on Opprison???? Any members say what you think down below... Mods preferably
I was a moderator, banned people for not handing over those glitched items (i had a public viewing pit for when I burned them). You aren't allowed glitched in or exploited items. Just give them up when you next see a mod.
I was told it wasnt and me and someone else got into a argument Alex said she doesnt think it is... So did jhow and Kinsey said it wasnt a offence to have these heads... This is just about prooving a point to someone...
It's not bannable to have it as you may have buyed it from another person, however getting cought glitching the item or selling it is bannable.
That's so pointless, everyone could have one if they said they got from someone else. That's like telling a cop you got the drugs from someone else so it's ok. Pfft get good rules.
Anyone buying or selling Wither Skulls will be damaging the OpPrison economy. Damaging gamemodes economy can ruin a gamemode very easily.
i said (this is just an example through all the police shows i watch) the drug addict won't get arrested but the dealer will because the dealer is affecting the economy but the person that just has it to himself doesn't harm anyone.