Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: LardSpandexMan The offender's ingame name: JTTJunior A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: x-raying and anti-kb Evidence/screenshots. (no movement after the hit) (where you can see a direct mine down to the place and getting back up) @PandaBear__ @VaMeSa123 @tin15cro @FadedChristi @Taylor @Lola Perez
i don't know, i never knew anything of this convo because he never told me and i don't want to be a part of it
but all i can help you with is that he never told me to ban him, so you can get rid of the ''getting a mod to abuse'' part.
******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* @Lola Perez There is a threat in the picture, he said he will get a mod to ban him, but idk it's up to you
ya he does hack but to ban him for this even if i know he does we still need proof to ban him :( sorry that's how it works
**********************************That's not that bad since mods are not computers and they can't obligate you.
*******************************************************************************ok, that's why I said it was up to you :>
@Badlerner i got more proof but he's threatened to crash my internet meaning dos? Proof: @Lola Perez