Hi my in game name is ZzBowserSwagzZ. Today i was just playing around with a friend skyping him. I was tricking him into buying some sticks names "Super Golden Apples". So another kid bid and I felt bad so I tried to cancel the bid but I lagged and it was too late, EnderDude146 had already bid. So i private messaged him and we worked it out. But the about 5-10 minutes later he messaged me again saying i never paid him. So thinking i lagged i sent him the money again. But he did the same thing again so i screens hotted and now i am reporting him. Not in the photo i might have used a curse word but please excuse my language, I did not mean to use this language i was angry and i apologize.
Please don't swear back as well, I saw you swearing in your message, I won't take that into a warning, but just a friendly reminder.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.