Your ingame name: _FuShIoNx_Money The offender's ingame name: adrian_monk_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking Evidence/screenshots. What, Made me think he was hacking are the snaps he makes onto his teammates
I do admit to having a client, and I am bad at typing so I sometimes hit wrong buttons (this is why I now have the client off on Mineverse.) but I don't use kill aura. I'm just really bad at pvping. I hit anything that moves pretty much. :p That's why I hit @larrythebird101 and @Crusaderboy1. If it was just a 1v1 with me against you, you would win. The only reason you kept losing was that my whole faction came and mobbed you. I'll try to get better at pvp so this doesn't happen again, or I might just try to stay away from it.
If he hit his team and they were infront of him i could understand but he turns 90 degrees to hit them at times Check this thread, it shows him using hacks in one of his GIF's he posted (post number 6)
Ok I watched it twice. At roughly 43 seconds you snap back and forth between the two players that you are fighting Adrian. Your mouse sensitivity is not high enough for it to be you doing it or you would have been moving more snaplike and quickly throughout the entire fight. When the two players you are fighting are within your clients range you snap back and forth between them as they come and go out of range way to fast and automatic-like. I do see hacks here. Whichever mod wants to take this can, or you can wait for another person to review if you want. I know what I see.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.