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  • [OP PvP] Ufer_ [Hacking] [banned]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by letzcraft, Jan 15, 2014.

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    1. letzcraft

      letzcraft Active Member

      Dec 26, 2013
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      My IGN: letzcraft
      Offender's IGN: Ufer_
      What they did: Used ff (forcefield)
      Evidence: For evidence that this was after ban appeal, you need access to server files. You go into the server log file which shows the chat and what date it was on. At the end of the video, parkour_hovay says "backkk", so if you found that in the log and compare the date to the date he was unbanned you can see that it was after the ban appeal.
    2. Dirty_Ninja

      Dirty_Ninja Guest

      Thank you for your report.
      The player has been removed from the OP PvP lobby.
      Locking and Archiving.
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