Hello everybody! Recently @iReALiiiTy @Collars and I have been working on a new OP PvP Map. In this new map we made it a city theme with a park, rich looking houses, poor looking houses, farm area, military base with tanks, and much more! There are still small changes being made to the map daily and we will update this thread with things we have added / taken out / changed. Please leave us criticism on what should be changed, moved, or maybe added. We arnt looking to add anything major since we dont have much room, but we will be making small changes around the map over time. Click HERE for the video of the map. Click HERE for the video of the map, in shaders. (Coming Soon) Please let us know what you think! -BleachBuildTeam Change log: - Supports : 4 Neutral :2 No Support : 1
Support, even though the map isn't there. I just want to see a new map and I'm sure you guys have built one that is worthy of replacing it.
Thanks (btw vids up) For some reason the processing took longer than I thought, I posted the thread when it was at 95% and it took 10 mins for it to finish
Uploading a nearly 10 minute long video at 1080p will take it's time to process it into all qualities. (Watched 3 minutes of the video so far. Looking good so far)
I would prefer a Medieval/(Anything similar) theme for KitPvp, and a city theme for OPPvp, imo Support anyway
Well the new one that we made is also City themed, just different types of houses. Well it is a city? Thanks for the support Thanks
I don't like it all, I like the map we have now. I would love a new map, but with the same open display of the one we have now.
Well what is there to change? Is it the whole theme? The map atm is very good, I agree. Its just that the map rn is very old and I thought OP needed a new one :/ Idk if I can make it bigger.. thanks for the support though.
Support. That map looks OP (get the joke?) I slammed my face into my pillow when i saw the "Cyp's Bunny Shop".
Support! The gta map is so old omg, I almost know each place like my pocket right now. CHANGE IT ASAP!!!!!!!!!!