Ender pearl spammers on OP PvP are getting really really annoying, whenever you got someone on the verge of dying, they spam their ender pearls and get away. Ender pearls are also very common via /kit paladin/knight/iron/tank/archer which the max amount of wait time is 10 minutes and cooldowns as little as one minute for 8 ender pearls. A few months ago, I was fighting a god that has angered me for so long, I chased him down breaking every piece of his armor, but guess what, he got away by spamming ender pearls. Instances like this are very annoying and happen quite often. Crew and Cyp can follow these very simple and obvious steps to fix these problems: - Add a cooldown plugin which there as several of them including this one: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/enderpearl-cooldown/ - If this plugin gets added, add a cooldown of 10 or so seconds - Get rid of the enderpearl kits, they're useless - Add /kit enderpearl with 8 or 16 ender pearls with a cooldown of 10 minutes - Add ender pearls to donor kits, just like on Kit PvP Result: - More players - Better PvP - More kills for the deserving - No more wasting time on losing a fight due to someone spamming away
@AgentWifi Then you should use a punch 2 bow, and shoot yourself. Alot more efficient way than "pearl away"
No support. The name is OPPvP I can fight just fine without people perling away. Trap them in a house.
For all of those who said "no support" let me ask you this, have you ever lost kills/potential good loot due to someone spamming away? And if yes, does it annoy you?