A few questions, what is the main idea for plots? Is it to create shops or for a home? And can you please add /chest, it will help so much when your inventory gets flooded with ores.
Few bugs/suggestions 1) make it so players can't open trapped chests in plots 2) fix o mine the sell prices aren't as good. 3) maybe make something to work towards? Like theres not much of a point of ranking up due to at the end there is no free world or anything like that.
Thank you for making this cyp and noobcrew! I think its awesome already and keep it up with the server.
@CypriotMerks Dude i have god rank and i cant join on full servers :/ and im waiting from yesterday to join on OP Prison
Your ignorant to the idea we donated money to get extra perks over regular members. We should be able to join a full server... lol
I think you should add tree farms. There would be 6 tree farms each with a different type of wood I was thinking that it would be sorta like regular mines but filled with 1/3 leaves 1/3 logs and 1/3 planks. You would get there by doing /warp 1-6. Then different levels get different mines Oak A-D Birch E-H Spruce I-L Jungle M-P Anika Q-T Dark Oak U-Z Hope you will consider this. if you wanted you could make a donor tree mine which has all of the wood mixed into one.