With more and more people getting to z rank it is becoming more difficult to mine at a efficient speed or someone decides to troll and block the sell sign or blow up the first 5 rows of blocks in front of the sign forcing people to use the /back method of mining My suggestion is to add sell signs on all 4 sides of the mine or even on 2 sides so that people can avoid the mass clutter of people going to 1 sign and we will be able to better avoid everyone going for the same blocks in front of the 1 sign. Honestly when the mine resets its a mad rush to get the first few blocks. This could also be done for other mines but Z is my main worry with so many people getting z now.
Support this should be added on all of the mines though. Maybe from a to g then from r to z. In between its ok
/Sell would be a little to op because of macros somone could use a script or hack to get like 100Tril over night while they sleep