I have recently name changed to CensorAdapt from zPurified, and forgot about the 1! Chest shop sign I own. It gets on my nerves that I can't sell what I am trying to sell (Untextured Dirt) because of the weird money glitch (pm me if you'd like to know what it is). So I have lost what is in that chest. I do realize I should email support, but it takes the longest time for support to email back. So instead I'll just put evidence here that this chest is mine, and the plot is mine and stuff. Hopefully someone of high authority (@Noobcrew @CypriotMerks) can get back to me. Proof: My plot My sign My name change http://namemc.com/s?zPurified Thanks for reading, and if you did, Helping
Cypriot is moving atm and is unable to answer. Try emailing the support or just change your name again back to zPurified.
Has this been resolved? The only thing I can suggest is changing your name back to zPurified, breaking the signs, and then change your name back after 30 days.
Also, This chest has earned itself 18 trillion, would there be any way to make it so I could get that amount back?
I really don't get why. Most emails are responded within 1-2 business weeks. I don't know where people get the idea that Cyp never reads emails, he does it at least once a day.
Email support. I know you think it takes too long, but it's going to be fixed faster if you'd just email them. Waiting for a member of high authority to respond to this thread is almost pointless.