My IGN: Don't_Even_Try_ Scammers' IGN: Untamble12 What rule they broke: Scamming. They were saying in chat to go to their plot for a "money duplicator" and then I saw this. I right clicked the B 10000000000 (10B) sign and of course I got a diamond for 10B. I clicked the sign that said Sell 1 diamond for 1T and it said "Cant buy here". He then msged me saying I had to buy 5 diamonds in order for it to work (aka 50B if someone fell for it). Then I was denied from the plot when I said it was a scam and not to do it in chat. Again, his ign is Untamble12
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.