Your ingame name: zeldaninjamonkey The offender's ingame name: DiamondSign A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming in OP prison Evidence/screenshots. Look bellow DiamondSign This guys says hes selling CHEAP sponges and u can NOT reach the sign so I go around back and right where the sign should be and I right click (because I thought it was the same sign and I wanted to see if he actually had sponges) and IT TAKES AWAY 400BIL ALL MY HARD LONG HOURS OF MINING, MY WHOLE BREAK ( sorry for unprofessionalism) for STICKS, then the guy DENYS me and says he'll give if I help scam. could I please also get my 400bilback I SPENT my whole break getting 400bil and im bout to cry ): PLZ HElpme,txPWwm5,NeRH9WI,txPWwm5,NeRH9WI#1,txPWwm5,NeRH9WI#2
The attached file is the most important! says I payed 400bil (12 digits after the 4) @Taylor @PandaBear__ @CypriotMerks
Btw the one where u se 67bil n the side was a friend who gave me some screen shots since I was denied.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
i will try to give you all my money on op prison that i got and try getting more untill you get back to 400b because i don't think there's another way