I asked Dontchallengeme to /fix my pickaxe This pickaxe had Eff Lvl 500 Fortune Lvl 501 Unbreaking Lvl 501 Explosive Lvl 16 T That was the pickaxe ^ As you can see it was damaged so I ask dontchallengeme to fix it for me
I talked to Dontchallengeme & he said he was lagging when you dropped the item and you claimed he picked it up. Are you sure you don't have the pickaxe?
*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** it's been 44 minutes since he was offline from op prison, so he never returned the pickaxe, he/she will be banned @Taylor
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** I'm not even sure if this ban is even necessary. Look, I'm not the banning moderator, I get it. I just want to make an assumption. What if dcm got on after lagging and finds that 'Bryan Tran' isn't online so that dcm can give him his pickaxe back. This ban is not sufficient. The evidence provided was not sufficient.
**************************************************************************************** that is enough evidence to get him banned, he said that he lagged out and got back on, but if he would of did that then he would of spawned right where they were both at, but as you know that didn't happen, and I checked if he got back online, but he was offline for 44 minutes witch proves to me that he didn't return the pick if he got it. If he can prove to me that he doesn't have the pick , I will keep him unbanned,but if chooses not to, then he will stay banned.