**EDIT** : I have realized that this wouldn't really work for regular Prison, as also the majority of people in the comments on this thread say. Hello, today I am going to be suggesting an improvement that I feel would be great for the Prison/OP Prison gamemodes. This suggestion, as the title reads, is to add a prestige feature. What this means is that when players reach the highest rank, they have an option to reset to ground zero with no money and have to work their way back up from Rank A. Although, you guys could make it so that when prestiging happens, people are put into (for example) A2 (a.k.a the first rank of the 2nd prestige), instead of just put into A again. This would clear up any confusion on what rank people are actually in. This has several pros and cons, but this can certainly be modified to suit Mineverse better. PROS There are several pros to this, that can be great improvements to these gamemodes 1) Players at the highest ranks can have something to do after basically "winning" the game, instead of just sitting there watching their money go up with no real goal at hand. 2) Players can receive special perks/boosts when prestiging, to make things easier and more entertaining for them 3) This can prevent players from being unimaginably rich, which could help with economy on the servers. (This is presented in Mc_Pvpwarrior's balance on OP Prison, for he has literally over 2 quadrillion dollars) 4) New mines can be made, which will allow more people to submit maps. This adds diversity and beauty to the Mineverse server. 5) This is a better alternative instead of adding the "Free" rank because it keeps rare items from becoming common, which can be good for trading and economy. CONS 1) Rich players can pay off their extra money to an alternate account. This should not have much of an effect on the gameplay, because it most likely wont be enough for them to get very far on prestiging. 2) Prestiging can take awhile to happen, because of the fact that players have to restart the entire rank-up cycle from the beginning. Although, as stated in the 1st pro, this adds more things to do after reaching Zeus rank. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for reading this, and possibly taking my suggestion into consideration. Feel free to tell me anything that I can change about this or just give me some general feedback on how this idea sounds. <3 Bendaspy
This really wouldn't work in prison because there is only one player that has reached titan since the new prison got released which is over 2 years ago.
i think if u were put back u would have to lose ur items or if u didnt this would cause unfairness to other plays who are beggining
I feel like that would be too much of a setback, because players who get to prestige should be rewarded for their hard work and still be able to keep their stuff.